Monday, June 19, 2006

The Halfway Mark...

On July 4, 1776, we claimed our independence from Britain and Democracy was born. On July 6, 2006 I will claim my independence from the "blue machine" in the basement at Duke and will be finished with radiation treatments. Today marked the halfway point. The area on my arm receiving treatment is still holding up. There is a slight color change in the red direction and some minor swelling and firmness. Other than making my arm sound like a dog's red rocket, I don't have any problem with said appendage. The doctor assured me everything is going great and that it was totally safe and fine for me to move furniture. She actually suggested I try moving some at her house under the "supervision" of a doctor. I declined.

Ashley and I are going to New York on Friday for the day to visit MSKCC for what will most likely be the last time. We have an appointment with the hand surgeon I spoke about previously. We'll discuss his strategy and review MSKCC's findings from their own pathology. The findings should be the same. Primarily, we're using NY as a second opinion reference to Duke unless there are some major differences with the diagnosis, treatment or prognosis. It appears the hand team at Duke would be involved with every aspect of the surgery.

As for the exciting summer/fall/winter schedule of events, the lineup looks something like this:

  • June 1-July 6... M-F Radiation Treatments
  • July 5... Second round of MRI and CT scans on arm and chest
  • Early to Mid August... Additional Surgery to remove tumor bed
  • Mid to Late August... Start Chemotherapy
  • December 1... 5 year wedding anniversary. (I so dodged a bullet on having to take Ashley on a trip)
  • Midnight December 31... 2006 closes out as the most random year of my life (so far)
  • Mid January... I finish chemo, celebrate my 31st birthday, put the past year behind me, and move on with my life.
  • Spring 07... Ash gets the 5 year anniversary trip.

Thanks for checking in and thanks for the support. I'll let you know how the trip to NY goes ASAP.


At 6/20/2006 1:03 AM, Blogger MCTennille said...

Hey Clyde! Glad that you're halfway done. Good luck in NYC this weekend - we'll miss you as we head to the Coast to celebrate redneck Craig's wedding!
XOXO, Mary Craig

At 11/12/2012 9:23 AM, Anonymous Daniel Black said...

If you've seen -What's eating Gilbert Grape,' and have been horrified at the kind of last rites that the kids choose for their obese mother, then you surely must dread obesity. And if you thought that it only happens in movies, then you're in for a shock. In a recent news article, a man weighing 280 kilograms was lifted by a crane through his window and taken to the hospital because he could not fit the staircase. Sounds really scary, doesn't it? Well, obesity is a serious disease and needs to be addressed on a much serious note. 3. How often do you eat or eat things you know aren't really good for you because you don't feel good about yourself? How might your eating trends gradually change if you used these verses to remind yourself of how special and important you are to God? Tips and Advices- If you take phentermine to lose weight, make sure you combine it with regular exercise so that you can enhance your weight loss and gain some nice muscle tone. Always try to make healthy lifestyle along with the pills intake and talk to your doctor who can advise you the best way to reach a safe and satisfactory weight loss goal. Also remember to eat a healthy diet packed with fruits and vegetables when taking phentermine to make sure that you are getting the proper nutrition and begin working on healthy meal planning so that you can maintain your new look for years to come.


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