Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Another Scan & Another Decision

I've got another chest scan Wednesday which will pretty much make 2 years since the lung incident. To say alot has happened since then would be an unbelievable understatement. I should finish up in the afternoon. I'll be happy to update then and talk about my other new an exciting decision...whether or not to remove my hand and go with a prosthetic (no, I am not kidding).

There are many options out there besides the standard hook, which is typically what most people use because of its effectivemess. Here are some links to different products either available or being developed. The one that has caught my attention as an alternative to the hook is based out of Colorado. To say the least I'm going to invest some serious time, discussion, and thought before making any decisions. That being said, the prosthetic pictured below made by TRS (the first link) would give me unmeasurably more function of my hand. I think it is pretty damn creepy too. Another major deciding factor comes from the chronic pain I experience and the potential lifetime of pain medication I'm scheduled to take. It would be nice to remove (literally) those burdens from my life.">">">">

It's crazy to look back and see what I've written compared to where I am now with the whole process. Even this incredibly consequential choice seems less frightening than places I've been over the years.

The twins are great!

Wednesday Post:
Good news again, everything was unchanged, which makes 8 or 9 in a row. Losing count is a good thing. 4th of July marks two years since my thoroscopy and three years since I finished my first round of radiation before the first surgery after discovering there was a malignancy. I think it's also Big Clyde's 3rd annual hot dog party at the beach.