Thursday, February 19, 2009

I love you, Mom

On Valentine's Day around two in the afternoon, my mother ended her battle with Leukemia, drifting off peacefully with her family surrounding her bed. What a battle she had. Since my being in college, Mom rode the waves of emotions, treatments, complications, and suffering that at times were overwhelming and at the best were just an annoyance. She also had great joys in those times. She watched two of her children get married (not to each other thankfully) and experienced the birth of three granddaughters. My mother also found a place of peace during that time in Montana. Trips to strengthen the mind and body were lengthy and frequent. It was such a special place for her full of beauty, good people, and tranquil solitude.

On occasion, when I first was going to Duke for radiation treatments, we wold meet in the cafeteria for breakfast. She'd come early to an appointment and I'd stay late after a treatment. Although the radiation was easy for me being on my arm, the difficult part was befriending the other patents, many who were having more sensitive areas radiated like their throat or abdomen. Mom and I both laughed about how F'ed up the situation was for us to be meeting for breakfast in Durham because we both had cancer. It only happened a few times, but I'm glad we were able to share that time together, comfort each other, and try to have some normalcy in such an unfavorable situation.

I may add some more later, but just wanted to say a few words about my mom. She sat with me at the hospital almost every day I did chemo and most of the ones I was home recovering. I always loved to run everything by her. She and I thought very alike on so many things. It's going to be a crazy world without her.


At 2/19/2009 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will miss you Aunt Ruth. Very very much. You always made me smile, and I always knew I had a friend in you....even when things were rough. You were always there for me.
Love you CP, Flems and Clark....Ashley, Kirk and Genna, Clyde, Doris C....Betty, Aniie and Millie....
All of you guys. You are loved.

At 2/19/2009 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a nice tribute. Here's to Ruth and Anne finding each other up there and keeping an eye on us down here.

At 2/19/2009 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful post, CP. Love that photo.

Much love from the Clines

At 2/20/2009 7:54 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I loved reading all about your mother and her great love. I know she will be so deeply missed. We are thinking of you and your family.

Morgan & Brian

At 2/20/2009 10:07 AM, Blogger Hutch said...

CP, Clark, Flems, and Big Clyde:

You have a wonderful and beautiful family. I know you know that, but it's fun to hear sometimes too. AND it's getting bigger and better all the time!

Hutch, Harper, & Foster

At 2/20/2009 5:03 PM, Blogger Kim Seymour said...

I just happened onto your blog as I haven't in a long long while...So sorry to hear the news and am lifting your family in prayer and love today and in the days ahead...

At 2/20/2009 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

C.P., the girls are so cute, and what a heartwarming picture of your mom and the smile on her face as she holds them. Your Mom has to have been proud and felt pretty lucky to have had you, Clark, Fleming, and your Dad. Y'all are an inspiration to us all!!!

At 2/21/2009 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel lonely without her friendship and will remember her forever. She always made me laugh and we could finish each other's sentences. Her death is a big loss for so many.
Love all of you.

At 2/23/2009 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack and I loved for your mom to come for us to fix her computer. She was always happy and up no matter what was going on. We will really miss her smile.I know she is with God and no pain. So so sorry. Love Jack and Linda Higgins

At 2/25/2009 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your mom Clyde. Love the picture of her with the girls. Can't wait to come meet them and see you all soon. Love and prayers to you all.

Hesta and Kirk

At 4/03/2009 3:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Jackie and I also miss your Mom.



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