Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Two legit to quit

To all the folks finding this site through the Sarcoma Alliance blog (linked in the margin to the right), I wish you all well. Over the past three years I've documented the trials of facing a rare sarcoma diagnosis, recurrence, and metastatic disease. At times I poke fun at the situations I've faced. At other times I've reflected on the emotional and physical battles I've waged. For the most part, I've tried to keep it together, having a positive attitude and when possible and being thankful when appropriate. I have tackled these obstacles with the help of faith, family, friends, and excellent medical advice & practice. Although scary at first, each day, I have gained confidence that I will successfully make it through this ordeal, hopefully gaining experience and insight in the process. If there is any way I can help anyone facing a similar adversary, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Tomorrow I have a quarterly CT scan of my chest. This scan marks the 21st month without any detection of cancer. At that point I just have one more scan to reach the two year mark and move out of the "high risk" period for recurrence for the first time since I was diagnosed. I've never really been a big fan of keeping up with the statistics, maybe because they were usually ones that were scary or difficult to swallow. Approaching this point is both exciting and intimidating. In some ways, it's hard to believe that I can breath a little easier after all I've been through. Then again...I need all the breath I can get to scale my newest hurdle of having twin girls. So far, it's been a blast, especially at the 4am feeding. Two words...wet poopy.

I'll post the results tomorrow.

I Love Money 2 started tonight.


At 2/03/2009 3:27 PM, Blogger Hutch said...


So glad I got to see the girls last weekend! They are so AWESOME! (Is "awesome" the Dude equivalent to "cute"??)

And just think, you have two more tiny, little set of fingers crossed for you tomorrow. And you have two more strong, little hearts praying for you tomorrow. I am glad to have Annie Fleming and Betty on our side!

Harper, Foster, and I wait with bated breath for the good news. And we'll see y'all again soon.



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