Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Peebody Jr.

That is Snout's nick name for obvious reasons.

Everything is great. Here are a few pictures from the past week and a quick itinerary of doctors appointments.

3/20 Hand surgeon
4/7 Pain doctor
5/14 Chest Scan

BY THE WAY, my doctor tells me they have another patient with a Triton their arm...

How weird? Especially knowing how rare they are. I must be honest and say I would like to meet them. Yes, for the obvious reason of trying to find some background similarities but also just to know another person who has the same disease.

I really hope they are doing well. It would be tough to hear otherwise....

Mom got through treatment yesterday but was hit with another flustering decision by her doctor to continue treatment two additional times. The glass half full understanding of the situation...because her counts have shown such improvement and she continues to be a strong and resilient patient to the chemo, two more treatments should complete the best scenario for treatment possible. There isn't a glass half empty understanding because we threw it at the doctor when he said two more cycles.

I wheeled her down after treatment and we held each other in the lobby waiting for Dad to pull around with the car. I knew exactly where she was at that time, especially when all she could say was a faint and tearful, "I hate chemo."

(Pictures not downloading. I'll add later)


At 3/19/2008 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to hear Ruth's treatments are going to continue. Give her a big Hyde hug for me.

At 3/20/2008 5:53 PM, Blogger Caroline said...

We're continually thinking of you both, and your Mom. Lots of love and missing march madness in NC :)


At 3/21/2008 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love you Harris family....every single one of you.
Alice, Chad and Everett

At 3/21/2008 4:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

looking forward to the pics.
In the meantime, please give Ruth a big hug from me. We love y'all!

luke j.

At 3/21/2008 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the updates on your Mother, we love her and miss her terribly. We can't wait to meet the last of the immediate Harris'.
Stacey & Mike in MT

At 3/24/2008 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey buddy, happy easter! the richards family is praying for yall!

chris e and jackson

At 3/26/2008 5:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Love you all dearly. Sorry I didn't get to see you over Easter. Would have liked to have seen your Momma so much, but I know she wasn't feeling well. I wish Snout could have met Lindsey's pup, Penny. Little yellow lab girl- adorable. I went to see Ashley about a week ago...took all my power NOT to buy something at the store. Thanks for sending the fashion show photos...I loved looking at them. I hope to see you soon, CP!

At 4/02/2008 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give Peabody a kiss for me. Glad things are on the upswing. XOXO, Reid

At 5/13/2008 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of you as you head into your scan.


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