Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Watt's New Too

Had a clean chest scan yesterday. Not only was that a nice thing to hear, I really didn't have the usual anxiety this time preceding the check up.

We're planning to relocate some tendons in my hand to my wrist in July, hopefully resulting in my fingers finally getting off the bench and into the game.

The pain continues to subside. My focus now seems to be on reducing the pain medication to eliminate the feeling of being drugged. Starbucks loves my pain doctor. They might be in cahoots.

Mom has finished chemo finally. She's dealing with some side effects like fatigue and shortness of breath and seeing the doctor today. Obviously, she's thrilled to have the hardest part behind her.

Fleming is Pregnant! The Harris/Samuels clan will have a baby out there soon enough!

Details to follow...puppy, moving, Prius, Ashley, Kristy Yamaguchi, etc....

May 19th almost Midnight Post Script...

There are so many details of my life right now that I don't really know where to begin. After debating this dilemma for several seconds, I had a profound thought. Yes, I'm sober and these types of things do happen around midnight...occasionally.

Why would I go into the details of my life at this point? The blog was originated to keep all my friends and family updated through the trying times. The descriptive, sometimes funny, sometimes touching, sometimes personal entries were created to keep my story close to you and in doing so, keep you all close to me. So for that reason, and with the slightest degree of laziness, I will remain true to the mission statement of this post.

"I thought it would be easier for me to keep a Blog updated than have to explain my current [medical] situation over and over again to everyone. That way when we do get together or talk, we can focus on the important things."

In my opinion, the "important things" are the everyday aspects of life that surround me, both good and bad. Since catching up with old friends tends to be more fun when you have news to share, I don't think it's necessary or beneficial for everyone to have the Reader's Digest version of my life at their fingertips.

As always, I'll keep you informed of things relative to the Chronicles, which hopefully will become a boring once a year post describing a routine, stressful day.

More importantly, I will be thinking and praying for you all as you face the challenges of your individual lives.

Thanks for checking in.


At 5/13/2008 1:36 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

Exciting news & exciting times for all of your family. We really need to get together soon!
The Websters

At 5/13/2008 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great news!!
The Cambrons

At 5/13/2008 4:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I could NOT stop smiling last night after I heard the good news!! I am so happy for you and the rest of your family. So much excitement! Love to you and Ash.

At 5/13/2008 4:58 PM, Blogger lukej said...

YESSSS!! Great news for you and Ruth. Can't wait for the "details" portion of your message. You had me at Prius (and Kristy Yamaguchi).

love y'all,
luke n dd

At 5/14/2008 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is indeed a good day for the Harris clan!!! Congrats to you, your mom, and Felming. I look forward to hearing about your other news.


At 5/14/2008 9:24 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Great news. Best to you and your family.


At 5/14/2008 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woooohooooo! Congrats to the Harris clan - CP, Ruth, and Fleming. CP and Clark as uncles? Watch out.

Much love,
The Boutons

At 5/14/2008 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CP- Hippee Hooray hell yes!! Your family deserves this great news so much....I can't wait to catch up with you and Ash soon. Give your momma a great big hug and high five from us, and FLEMS IS GOING TO BE A MOMMY!!!!!!!!! Love it.
Love you. Word.
The Gryders

At 5/14/2008 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved hearing about your clean chest scan. What a wonderful day. Can't wait to see you and your family this summer, I'm planning on breezing through in July. Have an awesome day.
Karen Smith

At 5/16/2008 3:04 PM, Blogger Hutch said...


At 5/16/2008 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great News happy for you all. Hope to see pictures of the puppy. We love you all. Jack and Linda Higgins

At 5/17/2008 7:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is good !!!!!Relieved for all of you and thrilled Ruth is planning a migration out west.
Miss you both and hope to see you soon.
Ash, sorry I missed your call. We need to conspire. Dinner at our new Wilson restaurant?

At 5/19/2008 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta love all that good news! We're happy for & very proud of all the Harris'!

The Wilkinses

At 5/19/2008 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loving the good news for you and your Mom? Have you considered making an appointment with that hand surgeon robot at the end of Empire Strikes Back? Well, now that I think about, I would guess the Docs at Duke are much better!

Take care,

J$ and family

PS It's time to do some good eating at the Davis crib, let's make it happen!

At 5/27/2008 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what wonderful news! congrats all around. so glad to hear all the good news. hope to see you and ashley soon - we are around!

take care,
jaci & zac


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