Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm Not Chopping My Hand Off...

...well at least not this year. I've put alot of thought into this one, more than my usual fly by the seat of my pants decision making process (poker table aside, Simons). I think it was great for me to go to Atlanta and meet amputees as well as see where technology is going. There are several major factors that shaped this decision, which I might add is not perpetually set in stone.

1. I truly think it is easier to change a diaper and toss a baby in the air with two hands. (the hook could get a little dodgey when catching a reorbitting baby)

2. some of the biggest technological advances in the history of commercially available prosthetics will occur in the next 5-10 years.

3. after experienced a failed surgery (or two or three), I'm not quite as eager to jump under the knife.

4. watching a friend lose his entire arm to sarcoma recently made me cherish what I've got that much more

So for now, breathe easy. No awkard moments attempting to make small talk while trying not to stare but at the same time investigate my new arm. I know it will happen, just not this decade. Take care.