Monday, June 26, 2006

The debate continues.

Today marked the start of the last full week of radiation. I'm glad to see the end is in site, the end of radiation that is. Before I get into New York, I have to give a special shout out to the technicians at Duke. As I've told people, the folks at Duke are amazing from the doctors and nurses to the techs and the volunteers. It's the greatest place you've never wanted to be in your life.

This past Friday, Ashley and I made a day trip to MSKCC to speak with the hand specialist. As I have come to discover with all these doctors, he was an amazing individual who referred to himself as a "freak" when it came to "this stuff." Other than having a last name that translates "son of one who beats death," he was extremely impressive and straightforward. In addition to having a cool last name, he was quite optimistic about my having a significant degree of functionality in my hand after the potential removal of major muscles and nerves. If the second surgery requires this more intense removal, he could use nerves from my calf and muscle from my thigh to rebuild the forearm. Apparently this would have little to no effect on my sick dunking skills. I might have to lower the rim from 9 and a half feet to 9 and a quarter, but whose counting when you're 6'4" and can't jam a regular goal anyway?

After being so imprerssed by this doctor at MSKCC, it was very interesting and reassuring to hear him speak so highly of DUMC and the particular hand doctor there who would be involved with my surgery. It appears the DUMC doctor works on the cutting edge (no pun intended) and has had great success with innovative surgeries. We're going to meet with this hand surgeon Thursday and my original tumor surgeon the following Wednesday (when I have all the scans). At that point, I really feel like I can make the best decision, having spoken with all the potential doctors. Either way, I feel confident, I'm in great hands. Oh yeah, the pathology came in and as predicted, I have a Triton tumor.

After each appointment and definitely after the scan results come in, I'll report back. Until then, here are some stats for those keeping score....

As of this Friday I've:

had 23 doctors appointments
with 12 different doctors.

completed 22 radiation treatments
which is equivalent to 1,320,000 x-rays.

stumbled though 20-some Su Doku puzzles
and yes, they weren't all the easy ones. (and yes, I'm a dork for bringing up Su Doku)

watched more minutes of hockey that all my friends who don't live in NC combined.

Thanks again for all the support, kind words, letters, and prayers.


At 6/26/2006 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clyde and Ashley-
Those numbers can only mean great things! As for the hockey, we officially became hockey fans while living in Minnesota. I never knew a "power play" would come to mean so much to an NC girl.
You and you families are close to my heart, everyday. Love from VA-
Margaret and Jason

At 6/26/2006 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

clyde-so glad to hear you are doing well. you have such a great attitude-it is very admirable. thank you for keeping us all updated. i'm glad the dr's are agreeing-i'm sure that makes you feel better. sounds like you are in good hands!

At 6/26/2006 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops-the last one is from me-neely. i forgot to write that in the end!

At 6/27/2006 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have the best folks in the world working on you and I know you have some of the best folks in the world cheering for you and following your saga. As strange as it sounds, I check your "chronicles" first thing every day to ensure that I have as much information about what you'll are dealing with as I possable can. What are you going to do now that hockey is over?

At 6/27/2006 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great to Catch up with you this past weekend. Seems like you and Ashley are moving through this with great strength and attitude. I know its not as easy as you make it out to be.
Have the Doctors discovered the incredible theraputic values of Squeezing the Hell outta some Capri Suns? You may need to mention it to those so called Braniacs and "freaks" at Duke and MSKCC!
Our Love, thoughts, and Prayers
T, T, & K

At 6/28/2006 10:35 AM, Blogger CP Harris said...

I assume T,T,& K stands for Ted, Tommy, and Kristen. Did I solve the riddle corectly?

PS Dave got served.


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