Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Peebody Jr.

That is Snout's nick name for obvious reasons.

Everything is great. Here are a few pictures from the past week and a quick itinerary of doctors appointments.

3/20 Hand surgeon
4/7 Pain doctor
5/14 Chest Scan

BY THE WAY, my doctor tells me they have another patient with a Triton their arm...

How weird? Especially knowing how rare they are. I must be honest and say I would like to meet them. Yes, for the obvious reason of trying to find some background similarities but also just to know another person who has the same disease.

I really hope they are doing well. It would be tough to hear otherwise....

Mom got through treatment yesterday but was hit with another flustering decision by her doctor to continue treatment two additional times. The glass half full understanding of the situation...because her counts have shown such improvement and she continues to be a strong and resilient patient to the chemo, two more treatments should complete the best scenario for treatment possible. There isn't a glass half empty understanding because we threw it at the doctor when he said two more cycles.

I wheeled her down after treatment and we held each other in the lobby waiting for Dad to pull around with the car. I knew exactly where she was at that time, especially when all she could say was a faint and tearful, "I hate chemo."

(Pictures not downloading. I'll add later)

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Springtime Rules!

It sure looks like everyone is doing great and we're all in for an exciting Spring, and I'm not just referring to this season's inventory. I'm seeing tons of great things with everyone: new pregnancies, babies, homes, job opportunities, weddings, and thickening of skin from the continual drop in the financial sector stocks (Buy Big Clyde, Buy!). Ashley and I are great. We're busy with all aspects of life. Ash is gearing up for another exciting fashion show next week at the store, we're happily enjoying an overly long housebreaking process with the pup, and are within a month or so of hopefully starting our renovations with the house. It's only been a two and a half year saga to get this renovation started, but hey, life comes at you fast, construction doesn't. Here's a view of the new backyard. Mind you, it was a big wooded slope to the creek a few months ago.

Mom continues to champion through her chemo which hopefully will be finished around Easter with her last treatment. On a daily basis she conquers battles with nausea, fatigue, dizziness, and having Big C's around. Just kidding, Pops. In my opinion, Dad has been a great primary caregiver and I think she's lucky to have such a caring, thoughtful man help her through a true bitch of a process. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully Easter will represent a fresh, beautiful new beginning for us all. I'm praying that my mother can finally say farewell to months of worry and suffering and enjoy a well deserved new Spring beginning to life.

Here's a video of the little man riding in the truck with his aunt Watts. Enjoy watching his ears blow in the wind, Trick Daddy style! I'm mean, you gotsta understand Trick loves the pups.. Other key components of this masterful footage captured by my cell phone include the orange sign stealing Snout's attention and Watts closing the scene with a serious look and a shoutout lick to her own snout.

I love you all...well, most of the time.