Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Full plate.

So it looks like they want to do a similar surgery with a new twist, brachytherapy.

brachytherapy: (brake-ee-THER-uh-pee): internal radiation treatment given by placing radioactive material directly into the tumor or close to it. Also called interstitial radiation therapy or seed implantation.

After removing the tumor, they will insert a dozen or so small tubes into the opening. About five days later, small radioactive pellets will be inserted into the tubes. These remain in place for another 5 or so days then come out. The goal is to deliver a concentrated dose of radiation to the area without damaging the surrounding areas. Sounds a bit like a Toxic Avenger PEZ dispenser...

This process will take some time, possibly involving close to a two week stay in the hospital. After healing up and having a second battle scar....the shot clock resets, the waiting game continues, and things should be all good again.

I'm currently trying to get back to NY for a second opinion with the doctors I met last year. Having them verify the treatment and potentially discuss other options is something I feel cannot be overlooked.

Oh yeah, we’re leaving for a ten day trip to Spain and Portugal with the Vermillions in tomorrow morning. (This is the rescheduled trip that was postponed from last year when this whole saga began) Surgery is tentatively scheduled for the 14th of May. The second opinion visit would be the week after I get back, so what the hell??!!!

Don't worry about me too much while I'm "stressing out" sipping on Rioja for the next week.

Thanks for checking in. Sorry to have to worry everyone with this again so soon. Just another hurdle to jump... (bad analogy, considering I have a 9 inch vert) We'll go with speed bump. Those never really tend to slow me down.

Afternoon P.S. Got the appointment to MSKCC lined up for May 8th. Everything is in place. It's truly amazing to get such instant support and love from everyone. I promise, I'll do everything I can to crush this BS!


At 4/24/2007 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there, buddy. I am thinking about you.

At 4/24/2007 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy your trip to Spain, buddy. You have most of the Eastern Seaboard praying for you. The good news is that you are on the look out and this was caught early. Keep your chin up & stay strong.


At 4/24/2007 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you all have a wonderful & relaxing trip!
We are thinking about you.
Much Love,
Alston & BWS

At 4/24/2007 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am so sorry you are having to go through this again. I look forward to celebrating with you and Ashley when this is behind you, once and for all.

Suzie Koonce

At 4/24/2007 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time in Spain and hang in there. We'll be thinking about you. As usual, your attitude is nothing short of amazing.

We love you guys.
Andy, Whitney, and Beauford

At 4/24/2007 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suffice to say, Gosh Darn it.
Hope you soak in a beautiful trip and shore up before this next procedure. Norm and I are keeping you in our prayers as are all of the Lessards' and Delligattis' (and that's a good many!)
Our love to you and Ashley,
Cindy Lessard

At 4/24/2007 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just got the news...and I am sending you all the love it my heart....and to Ash, as well. No one deserves a relaxing trip more than yourself! Please know that Kara and I love you dearly and that you are in our thoughts. Thanks for sharing this news with us, and keep us posted.
Love, love and more love....Emily and Kara

At 4/24/2007 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a great trip guys - can't wait to hear all about it. Let us know if we can pick up your mail - or anything - while you're gone.

love you guys - kwb

At 4/24/2007 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there CP!

G. Hess (from Seattle)
Woodberry '94

At 4/25/2007 1:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big fella,
Brachytherapy..pellets..pez dispenser..Spain..speed bumps...its all making perfect sense now. I was a mere lad, a baking prodigy, somewhere in my 10th year. I had just begun my final semester at the La Unviersidad del Albarino, which is home to Spain's sixth-best School of the Baking Arts. I was taking a snoozer elective schedule and signed up for a class which taught you how to make enormous, decorative cupcakes (La Classe de Enorme Adorne Los Cupcakes). Anyhoo, my professor was Pepe Brachy. Sr Brachy was a swarthy man with a penchant for the unexplained. He always looked outside of the mixing bowl for answers to some of baking's toughest dilemmas.
An aside: Back in the late 80's, candy was very difficult to come by. Spain was entrenched in one of the bloodiest wars on record with New Zealand over control of the Cambodian Straights….and Spanish candy was being used as a weapon. In order to trick the Kiwis into giving up their tactical secrets, the Spanish would send Conquistadors to the front lines armed only with candy...in the form of chocolate pellets in plastic dispensers. Since candy was, and always will be, outlawed in NZ, the Kiwis were suckers for sweets. The exchange would take place, the Spanish would send the secrets back to their commanders and they would then crush the Kiwis. Needless to say, candy was difficult to come by during war time as all of Spain’s cocoa was being subpoenaed to the front lines.
Sr. Brachy, being one of Spain’s most adorned pastry masterminds, had a secret stash of these chocolate war pellets. His idea? Inject the tasty morsels into the middle of an enormous, decorative cupcake! Brilliant. The day soon came for Sr. Brachy to try out his new baking technique. As usual, he mixed enough batter for the 5-kilo cupcake, poured it into a dish and began baking. Half way through the baking, Sr Bracky did something that eventually put him into Spain’s Baking Hall of Fame in Salamanca (La Pasillo Sillo de la Hornada de la Fama Mas Macho)….he removed the cupcakes, put a hollow, waxed straw in the cupcakes and began shoving chocolate pellets into the warm center. In hindsight, we should’ve seen it coming. The master of heavy cream and baking powder had done it again….he had perfected yet another baking technique and created Brachytherapy. Its hard to believe that no one before 1987 ate a cupcake with delicious chocolate inside....but its true. Unfortunately Sr Bracky was never able to enjoy the spoils of his baking fame as the Spanish army found out that he was hording wartime munitions, shut his class down and sent him to Alcatraz.
But the lesson here is simple. Pepe Bracky knows how to make things better. His simple technique of Brachytherapy revolutionized the Baking Arts during the height of Spain’s Dough Age and now its revolutionizing the medical field. Simply put: it made enormous, decorative cupcakes better and it’ll do the same for you, CPeezer. Trust Pepe Brachy. Trust his therapy. He is a fine man.

Pour some Tempranillo out for your hommies next week...and don't let this speed bump ruin your trip. And grub a chorizo empanada for me.

Shania, Huddy Mo and I love ya'll (high fives and ass-smacks abound)

At 4/25/2007 10:19 AM, Blogger CP Harris said...

there is only one other way to transport chocolate pellets or "plugs" that i heard about...i won't go there.

At 4/25/2007 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad that you are being so proactive and looking after yourself. Have an amazing trip with Ashley's family and know that we'll be thinking of you all.

Love, Mary Craig

At 4/25/2007 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Enjoy your travels my friend. We are praying for you and the family. We'll give you some strong updates on the bus - can't wait for you to get back on it - real soon! Keep smiling....

Jason / Father Tau

At 4/26/2007 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hope you guys are having a fantastic time drinking rioja and taking siestas.

Thinking about you guys and I hope this is the smallest speedbump in history. You and your family are all in our prayers.


At 4/26/2007 4:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hang tough and have a great trip to Spain. You and Ashley are in our thoughts and prayers. Your strength through this whole ordeal will continue to amaze i'm sure. I know you'll beat it.


At 4/26/2007 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CP, Have a wonderful trip. Your amazing attitude, friends and family will get you through this BS.

We love you both,
Wallace and Steve

At 4/27/2007 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Enjoy the European beach vacation. Forget about this mess for 10 days while you're soaking up rays in your Euro-stlye weenie bikini sipping on some potent Spanish libations.

Kristin and I will be thinking of you and keeping you and Ashley in our prayers.

At 4/27/2007 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again your attitude towards this news is inspirational. All of us appreciate your strength so much, thanks for being so strong. Tommy and I said a prayer for Clyde the other night and we will continue to do so every night. Have an awesome trip bro! We're all sending you positive vibes.

Ted, Kristin, Tommy and Hank

At 4/27/2007 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The West Side is linking up with the East to send coast-to-coast love your way, Big Dog. This is just like those pesky speedbumps you used to hop in the Bronco at Wake. Enjoy Espana, eat some paella and let's get back to kicking this shit to the curb when you return.


At 4/27/2007 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you shouldn't plan any more trips with the Vermillions(totally kidding!) Clyde, once again, your outlook on life, sense of humor, and your unconquerable positive attitude are such an inspiration! Enjoy your much deserved vacation. I'll continue to have you in my thoughts and prayers.
Anna Delligatti


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