Friday, May 11, 2007

One less thing to worry about.

Both doctors I was considering for the surgery met this morning in St. Louis. What an absolutely amazing circumstance to take place?! Even more unbelievable is that they both called me after lunch within 15 minutes of each other to discuss my case.

After reviewing the results from the most recent MRI, they both believe the more aggressive surgery is mandatory. The tumor appears to be touching the radial nerve and too close to the artery so both must come out as well as a good amount of muscle and be grafted with similar tissues from other parts in my body. A large flap from my back will be used to fill and cover the wound.

I'm going to do the brachytherapy. It adds a boost of treatments just in case something was missed with the resection. Apparenty, while I'm doing that, it is not a very good time to visit at all. Like, don't come. They won't let you near me. I'm radioactive...

The tumor has close to doubled in size since I first noticed it less than a month ago. The doctor in NY thinks it's wise for me to go with the doctor at Duke, since he can operate much quicker and he has a better knowledge of my anatomy and surgical history. Both hospitals agree that the other can handle the surgery in all aspects with equal ability and result. Honestly, at this level of medical treatments, we really are comparing apples to apples. Really, really, good apples...probably Red Delicious or Granny Smith from the nicest tree in the orchard at the best farm in the world. Hell, at least I'll be able to hold one of the things with my left hand when this is over...

Surgery is Monday in Durham. Hopefully the beginning to the end of surgeries for me. Granted, this one will have about half a dozen or more different parts to it and at least two days in the OR. I’ll come home early June.

Ashley's birthday is today. She's 30. We're celebrating.


At 5/11/2007 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

best wishes to ashley for her 30th. My prayer for strengh, courage, comfort, and peace during the months to come.
more prayers of the same for c.p. and believing God for complete healing.
There are good physicians and then there is the GREAT PHYSICIAN-God. May you find comfort in knowing he is always there with you and guiding the hands of the surgeons.

At 5/11/2007 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy birthday ashley!-
davis, staci, flynn, and louden

At 5/12/2007 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ashley, you are both in our thoughts.
The Lovetts

At 5/13/2007 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thinkin about you man. Hope the surgery goes well. When are you going for the brachytherapy - when are you available for visiting? Are you going back to Portugal in June?

Tom C

At 5/13/2007 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You threw an awesome 30th birthday party for Ashley and we were honored to be there. We loved our trip to Portugal & Spain with you two and are so glad we got to go this year! Loved the bullfight you sugggested. It was all fun.

I've got you on the WPMeth prayer list and Grandma Black got you on the Frazier Memorial Meth prayer list (her old church in Montgomery). We are all sending good thoughts, prayers and vibes (that from Jason Hatchitt). Love to you and our precious daughter.


At 5/13/2007 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clyde and Ashley,

Much love to you both.

Jack, Jennifer Jacob and Lucy

At 5/14/2007 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with the surgery today! Thinking of you and Ashley and your family. It was great to celebrate with you on Friday night. Let us know when it is visitor friendly during your hospital stay.
The Websters

At 5/14/2007 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear CP,

Mary keeps me informed about the family and I wish you all the best for your surgery and the times after. Far away in Austria I will pray for you and your wonderful family whom I had the privilege to be part of back in 1962/63 when I spent one of the most wonderful years with your dad, Mary and your grandparents.
Fritzi from Graz, Austria

At 5/14/2007 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my prayers are with you and Ashley as I write these words...know that these prayers (ALL OF THEM) will wrap you and Ashley in a blanket of love,comfort and healing. you are a remarkable person...hang tough, and know that we are with you.

At 5/14/2007 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Ashley- We are thinking of you and Ashley today and hope you are in good spirits! love you man!
Charlie & Carrie

At 5/14/2007 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ashley...we are thinking of you both all the time and can't wait to see you soon.
Hugs and Love
Alice and Chad

At 5/14/2007 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CP & Ashley,
Great time Friday night. Good food ... i'm fat. Verms, you are the most beautiful and fashionable 30 yr old I know!!! And it was especially nice getting to hug the elder Vermillions and Harrises. Sorry I had to leave - the March of Dimes Walk was a success though.

CP - I know you will be tied up for a couple of days, but we have not quit thinking of you or praying for you. I eagerly await the news of a successful surgery.

You mentioned that the only contact you will have while in the "lead-lined" room is the internet ... so everyone needs to flood Clyde's inbox with fun emails. **Steak & Cheese Club UNITE!!!**

We love you both so very much.

Hutch & Harper

At 5/15/2007 10:09 AM, Blogger barbara and rick said...

Clyde--Rick and i are praying for you--we know that you are glad that your surgery is over!! We are praying for your doctors and for you and Ashley to feel God's presence, provision, and peace during these next months---(notice all the "p's"!!)--and one more "p"--may you know how personal our Lord is and how much He loves and cares for you and Ashley!

We will miss you at Mike and Reid's wedding--i am quite sure that Rick will be looking for Ashley to ask her to dance---we may just have to get that on video!! Love, barbara and rick

At 5/15/2007 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear CP & Ashley, This is from Ann Goodwin, Abbitt's Mom, in Wilson. I just can't get you and your families off of my mind, and heart,hopes, and prayers. Much loving wishes to you.

At 5/15/2007 12:28 PM, Blogger Caroline said...

We hope yesterday went well and that you are recovering nicely. We miss you guys (and the inevitable 30th b-day spank machine!)

Hilary and Lumpy


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