Monday, January 14, 2008


Monday, January 07, 2008

Izna Tatu Mor

Between doctors appointments Ashley and I rolled over to Watt's homeland outside of Hillsboro and picked out a new pup, maybe two. On the way home from Duke, my doctor called and told me the final pathology was negative and they didn't feel the lump was a major threat. My letter below to my physical therapist slash Reality Television Anonymous sponsor explains it all.

"final path negative

they basically want me to "walk it off"

if it gets any worse let them know

not totally satisfied but I'll take it as a win.

I guess it's time to go back to work.

Bret and the new 20 had pretty much made me forget about anything else.

Other than Flav's house, is there anything??"

(I know, I added a line)

This is Nuts

Although my bloodwork Friday showed little evidence of infection, I took antibiotics over the weekend to reduce this potential culprit at work. Like Ashley's first day hunting Saturday, things were fairly uneventful. The area looks and feels pretty much the same and I still can't straighten the arm. Nobody's in the dumps (except me and my whole family), just ready for an answer and a gameplan for a solution. Honestly, looking at the last picture, I think the inflammation looks smaller. Granted, it did swell up like Lovett's Junkyard science experiment on torsion after they repeatedly jabbed a rather large needle into it for a dozen or so fairly long seconds Thursday. We'll know more tomorrow.


PS Rock of Love 2 begins Sunday on VH1 and Flavor of Love 3 cranks up February 11th. At least we don't have to worry about there being something intelligent and stimulating on television.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Ashley's New Year Post

"It's 12:45 and CP is finally sleeping. It's been a nerve racking week and thank you for all the love, support and prayers.

This was scary because CP really felt like it was a malignant tumor growing in his arm. We will hang our hats on the good news today and rejoice that it was not a malignant growth.

I know how hard this is for me and I can't imagine how hard it is for him. From now on, when anything looks or feels worrisome it will be hard for all of us not to freak out. At least this is one that we can say turned out to be not as bad as we thought.

But NOW we have to figure out what is going on inside his arm to cause him this severe pain, non flexibility and bulge. The battle continues for him and it makes me so aware of what a struggle it is everyday with not only the fear of cancer but his reconstructed arm. It makes you realize why this guy needs to blow off some steam!

he truly is amazing and his strength and courage unwavering. If you could see half of what he is put through with these biopsies, surgeries, treatments, showing no signs of would be bewildered.


p.s. don't ever tell him "try putting neosporin on it" unless you want a hard laugh"

1/03/2008 12:27 PM

....I'm one lucky guy to have her...and my arm. Now it's back to Duke for the third straight day since New Years to try to uncover the mystery of the golf ball in my arm.



Thursday, January 03, 2008

Negative Needle

After getting a call this morning from my doctor, we learned the MRI showed inconclusive results. Sweet. We cruised back to Durham for a needle biopsy to clarify the situation a bit more.

In a twisted serendipitous turn of events, I met my family in the doctor's waiting room. They had just finished helping my mother through her toughest round of chemo yet and thought it would be nice to walk down the hall and find out how my situation was unfolding.

To keep things short and nothing like the needle repeated jabbed into the sorest bulging part of my arm, the preliminary results of the pathology showed no malignant cells. To be honest, I was completely shocked. I thought the arm was coming off. I should have the final results in 48 hours, two business days, next week, or whichever seems the least convenient.

For now, I'll take this as a little victory in the war of survival.

I'll post the final path results ASAP. I didn't really want to alarm everyone, but the scare is real and something that my family and I have to endure. As always, thanks so much for your support and Merry New Year!!



Happy Newscare

For the first few weeks after the chest scan, things were nice and relaxing. Physical therapy was going well and Ashley and I continued with all our plans. As we did all this a Grinch of sorts sat quietly in my arm a bit closer to the elbow. Around Christmas, the area started to bother me a little. Ashley and I both figured that it was just some weakened muscles being stretched or some scar tissue irritation from the finger straightening process. Just before New Years, we decided to email my oncologist and let him know we were curious about it.

"I have a sore area in my elbow near the scar that has me curious. It's been sore for a week or so and although I don't feel a nodule in particular, it just seems a bit off. Could we meet next week after Tuesday so I could get your professional opinion? Thanks and Happy New Year."

Being more cautious than alarmed, we set up an appointment for the 3rd to have things checked out. The area continued to feel more swollen and inflamed and my elbow gradually became harder to straighten. We had the appointment yesterday and it went pretty much how I figured. After examining the arm, he thought we should get an MRI, not because he thought things were "worrisome" but because of my history, we had to cover our bases. But then why would it be worrisome... I mean the treatment for a second recurrence is just a simple above the elbow amputation.

So now we wait. We've waited for the appointment. Waited for the MRI at 8 last night. Ashley waited for me while I sat in the tube for over an hour being having the arm scanned. And now we wait for the results.

You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch
You're a nasty, wasty skunk
Your mind is filled with unwashed socks, your soul is full of gunk
Mr. Grinch
The words that best describe you are as follows,
and I quote: Stink, stank, stunk!