Friday, May 25, 2007

Hospital Delirium

Last night the doctor on call for my floor told me that I might have “Hospital Delirium.”

My symptoms:
1. Pensive
2. Cranky
3. Unable to relax
4. Exhausted
5. Insomnia
6. High heart rate

And, of course, things that can cause or accelerate the condition include:
1. Surgery
2. Large quantities of pain meds
3. Pain
4. Lack of sleep
5. Extended hospitization

Oh yeah, those were my symptoms too. Considering the week I’ve had seen and endured, both physically and mentally, he thought I was holding it together surprisingly well. I agreed. My family might not. I was red-lining yesterday.

We have some of the craziest pictures and stories the Chronicles have ever seen. Today is my first coherent day since surgery, Monday. I’ll start getting them out ASAP. Let’s stick to “Cliff’s Notes” tonight.

Let’s talk about the good stuff. I have 2 books, at least one movie, and a mini-series worth of material that could be based precisely on this week, with a couple of coffee table books that would be titled something like “Grossest, Most Interesting Pictures You Can Take Of Yourself,” and “Squeeze Loved Ones Who’ve Been Though Cancer As Tight as You Can, They’ve Been Through Hell.” Of course the second one would have to have a section solely dedicated to Clark’s creative works that were inspired by this whole experience, primarily poems i assume.

THE SURGERIES WENT GREAT!! The first surgery was the removal of the tumor with wide margins. It all came out and the margins were 2 to 3 times larger than the last removal surgery. Our goal of being aggressive was accomplished. The second “rebuild and repair” which lasted close to 8 hours was also very successful or at least will provide the most success possible down the road after rigorous PT. Muscles were moved from my back, tendons were transferred, nerves were spliced, a LARGE amount of skin was grafted (about 4 times as much as last time recovering over half of the area between my elbow and wrist). I can already wiggle the fingers that were useless when the nerve was removed Monday. So far the initial, toughest part of recovery has gone well. Everything is taking and the varyous sites and recovery look great (great according to doctors). That last sentence should probably read more like: So far everyone is recovering well from taking a lookn at the various sites. Both sentenses are thr truth.

We are all super positive, super happy to get these massive surgeries, large margins, and initial recoveries behind us. And I want to thank my family (Harris and Vermillion) for being there for me every single day through the past two weeks. Everyone excelled in his or her own special part. They’ve helped me through the night, through the fear, through the pain, and have seen and done things in the process that no one should ever have to experience, referring primarily to the sponge bathes I’ve received (Nate, you still owe me one) JK. All joking aside, the teamwork over past two weeks is one of the many reasons that the family gets so emotional whenever they attempt to verbalize their love for this family, whether it be a room of 300 or a table of seven.

I’ll get back to everyone soon. Love to you all.


PS Mom has demanded, rightfully so, that I make an official comment about playing "Carwash" on my computer's stereo while she was she was busy sponge bathing her baby boy (all 240 lbs). She also wants me to make note that I thought Shrek was in my ICU room for at least one entire day after surgery. It still is unknown whether he was recovering himself or just volunteering to cheer peple up. (Probably just doing communty service imposed by a Judge for indecent exposure)


At 5/25/2007 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you have all of that behind you and that things are looking good(I may have to get Kirk to preview the pictures for me first). See you soon!

At 5/25/2007 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been checking everyday in hopes of hearing this good news. Glad to hear things went well, and great to hear that everyone is holding up so well.

E. Miller

At 5/26/2007 8:20 AM, Blogger mo and tommy said...

ash and clyde,

i am so glad to hear the positive words following the surgery and even happier to hear the love and support between both of you! you both amaze all of us with your strength, positive attitude, endurance and faith. Thank you for sharing your experience with us and know that we love and pray for you all...
love, mo and tommy

At 5/26/2007 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

outstanding work, clyde AND ash-
much love,
The Hydes

At 5/26/2007 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CP and Ashley,
Wow, what beautiful words you express to each other. I'm tearing up because I can feel the love between you. I have been so worried about the surgery and I am thrilled to hear you are doing OK. Continue the love and you will make it through this extrordinary trial. Thinking of you both.
Karen Davidson Smith

At 5/26/2007 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have been too quiet on the blog for too long. you all have to know how courageous and brave our clyde has been. there have literally been times in the last few weeks where i have said to myself "i could not do this". i have seen clyde in more pain then people should have to endure. the pain team at duke said nerve pain is the toughest pain out there and the hardest to treat. they are actually surprised at how well clyde is handling the whole situation. i have seen him wince but never whine, correct a situation but never complain and honestly, go through the hardest thing he has ever done with humility and grace. 

my parents always told me the true character of a person is how they handle a rough situation. clyde is an example to us all. i hope none of us ever have to go through what he has but, if we do, we can look to him because he truly has amazed me with his strength. 

i've always told clyde one of the reasons i fell in love with him because he constantly intrigued me and was so interesting....he still fascinates me and boy does he keep life interesting! even in his bed at duke (in the buck of course) with needles and wires sticking out all over him he still looks so strong...its kind of bizarre. 

when clyde was a child, he used to pray before he went to bed every night that he would wake up with Wolverine's (his favorite comic book hero) strength and powers. now that i think about it, they are similiar; in being strong and courageous (of course), healing faster than normal, functioning while heavily sedated (that one cracks me up)...and they both are a little on the hairy side. 

i am not just proud to be clyde's wife but proud to know him. we are all so lucky to have him in our lives and constantly be amazed by him. my mom laughs because she says i went to wake forest to learn, but instead met clyde and he became my teacher. i am constantly learning from him. this lesson is about how hard life can be and how to handle it. i can't wait for clyde to come home..entourage just isn't as fun to watch without him.


At 5/26/2007 9:46 AM, Blogger CP Harris said...

thanks ash. i like the story from when you told someone i was your rock and they said you were the light shining on it. that's the truth, another week and i'm home, until then the dvr is off limits.

i love you.


ps after ash told me the rock/light story, she compared it to a diamond somehow and thout it to be a reason for me to by her one or several..

At 5/26/2007 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmmm... diamonds.

We are so happy to hear the surgeries went well and that going home is near. We love you both and can't wait to get a squeeze!

jen, wilkins, and mary

At 5/26/2007 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have been in our thoughts and prayers. I have always been amazed at your quick wit and extremely high threshold for pain. Stay strong brotha...

Much Love,
Paul, Joelle and Ava

At 5/26/2007 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tears in my eyes from Ashley's blog. We are so proud of your strength and perserverence and cannot wait to be with you over the summer. So glad this went well and for you to be home.

tons of love!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reston, James, and Conrad

At 5/27/2007 9:42 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

very very glad to hear from you CP. thanks both ash and clyde for your posts. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

luke j. n DD


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