Monday, November 12, 2007

Everything is Perfectly Normal

Man, this cast hurt. I really almost tore it off the second day I had it a wedding (congrats Karla & Mark). Rather than change it after a week, I decided to keep it on and give my hand time to relax before turning the screws again. Hands down, there is no denying that the casting has been an unbelievably successful process. With the end in sight, the last inches are the toughest. So we'll continue to pull and once the straightening hurdle is jumped, motion and flexibility will be our next target. Hopefully my hand will be totally straight, not even the slightest bit curious.

Ash is happy to have me off oxycontin. In her words, I'm back to my old self. My old self on 20mg of methadone a day. I think we'll continue to decrease that on a monthly basis. Until then, thanks for keeping up with me. I've had numerous requests for an update. I hope this little blurb is satisfying. I can honestly tell you that I feel great, even with a hand that feels like it was recently slammed in a door.

I'll have 3 doctors appointments and a chest scan in the next month. I hope things continue to stay equally boring.

Please say a prayer for my Mom tonight. She starts chemo for her chronic form of Leukemia tomorrow morning. We'll be there with her as she endures the next 4 weeks of treatment and hopefully gets her condition (which she has successfully handled for the past 10 years) back under control. @#&%ing Cancer. I'll be thinking about her, and all the Moms, friends, and families fighting cancer or equally tough trials of life. You know who you are and I love you.


PS Real and Chance make a guest appearance on ILNY next Monday. If you have an hour to kill, please turn the tv to VH1 at 9pm and lose a few brain cells with me. It might beat Buckwild's shoe toss and Pumpkin's "spit heard 'round da world" combined.


At 11/12/2007 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the update. We are glad things are moving so well. Let your mom know we are thinking of her too.

At 11/12/2007 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love and prayers for mom and yourself. At least she shouldn't have to look far for inspiration. Keep fightin' the good fight. I'm right there with you...&#%&*@% cancer! Thanks for the update.
Bryan S.

At 11/13/2007 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are going good for you. We'll definitely be keeping your moms in our prayers as she goes through chemo and beyond. We know the Harrises can defeat cancer, keep up the hard work.

Much love,
O, Mer, Pres, and HB

PS - "The Ruth, the Ruth, the Ruth is on fire..." - thinking of y'all

At 11/13/2007 8:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Glad for the good report, CP. Of course, your moms will be with us all day today, and going forward.
We love y'all!
luke n DD

At 11/13/2007 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glade to hear the arm is improving, you will be able to pick your nose again in no time!!! You and your family will remain in my thoughts. Please give your mom my best as I will be thinking of her too.

At 11/13/2007 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update CP, glad to hear that you are doing so well! Really sorry to hear about your mom, I did not know. We'll continue to keep everyone in our prayers and thoughts.

Ted, Kristin, Tommy and Hank

At 11/13/2007 11:19 AM, Blogger Caroline said...

Lumps and I are thinking of you guys always. Your progress is amazing. Very sorry that your mother is fighting cancer, we will send out prayers for her as well.

Love, Hilary

At 11/13/2007 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Love and Prayers to the Harris Clan. Let us know how that arm gets on with the Turkey come next week.

Davis Clan

At 11/13/2007 4:40 PM, Blogger Hutch said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11/13/2007 4:41 PM, Blogger Hutch said...

Thus far the Triton Chronicles have induced enough prayers and precious, good vibes to aide one Harris through this mess. So I look forward to errryone doubling their efforts to pull another Harris through. You can count on Harper and I!

Give my love and a BIG HUG to Ruth-enol.

UNC sux! (sorry UNC fans for the unrealted sports outburst - I have no couth. They don't really suck, that bad)

At 11/13/2007 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to know how you are doing. Glad you are on the up and up. Always thinking of you guys. Lots of prayers being said for you and Ruth.

Cindy and Ed

Also ~
Call Ed if you really want the ML pool table sign. It's plastic and really ugly CP, but it is all yours if you want it! Flems has his cell number.

At 11/13/2007 10:04 PM, Blogger CP Harris said...

I WANT IT!!!! 110% Positive. Thanks so much!

At 11/14/2007 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


So great to see you and Ashley on our big day. It really meant a ton to Karla and me to have you both there.

I'm excited for your progress!

I am shocked to hear about your mother. I will certainly include her in my thoughts and prayers. Let's get together soon,


At 11/14/2007 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Clyde. I check every few days and was glad to see all is going well. Will be thinking/praying for your mom and family. Hope the blogs stay boring too!

At 11/15/2007 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Harris' family is in our thoughts and prayers.

Trinnie, Madalyn and Darcy

At 11/15/2007 9:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

durn that 'stache is the bomb!


At 11/16/2007 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm hoping CP doesn't mind my brief comment on his blog. He's still my hero and now my chemo advisor, best warm blanket fetcher, Ipod organizer and pillow fluffer. He helped me sail through my chemo on tuesday. Thank you all for your kind words and prayers, I'm doing well. Not ready for deep dish pizza yet. Chicken soup is my gourmet treat of choice still. "Team Harris" can handle anything because we have each other... through thick and thin. Happy Thanksgiving to everybody. Mama Ruth

At 11/16/2007 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you all and hoping Ruth will get along well with the resent chemo. We are praying for you all. Linda and Jack Higgins

At 11/19/2007 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're praying for you all. Give momma Ruth a squeeze for us. I hope you all have a restful Thanksgiving.

Jen, David & Mary

At 11/19/2007 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We continue to keep you in our prayers & are now including your mother as she goes through her chemo. It was great to see you last week & hope to get to see you again very soon!
Jesse, Lindsay & little Jesse :)


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