Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Covering the bases...Red Sox style

After discussing the new situation for a while, my primary doctor has recommended adding a sarcoma specialist transferring from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston who both " is the best medical oncologist for you" and is "planning to bring Duke the forefront of sarcoma medical oncology trials" when he moves down in November. I'm looking into paying him a visit in the next month just to stay on top of everything and already have a relationship established when he gets to Duke.

Since the disease spread, we're going to do a chest scan in two months instead of three as a precautionary measure. Chemo still doesn't seem very likely, but we will discuss its role and possibility in Boston.

I was able to shoot some doves over the weekend at our farm. I had to wear a leather glove and incorporate a slightly different shooting technique, but I was able to join in on something that has been a family tradition for countless years. I made a last minute game time decision to give it a shot (no pun intended) and am very glad I did so. Watts was thrilled about my choice...until we got home and Ashley made us both shower before settling in.

Feeling great. Glad to be proactive. Happy to be doing what I enjoy. Thankful for the opportunity.

UPDATE: My team at Duke got me an appointment in two weeks at Dana Farber. I'm scheduled to meet with a couple of doctors on Tuesday, the 25th. Woody is in charge of dinner reservations Monday...Cali, your suggestions are greatly appreciated.


At 9/05/2007 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was nice to read this update. Any chance of a photo from the farm or the shoot? Take care. Tito.

At 9/05/2007 2:32 PM, Blogger Hutch said...

CP is being modest. Not only did he hunt well & was a gracious host; but on Friday evening we decided to shoot some skeet so he could test how his hand and arm would do. Using a brand new gun he had never shot before (and a brand new arm) he demolished the 1st skeet I threw out. Then he cooled down to go 3 for 7. It was quite impressive. Still never ceasing to amaze.

Me? I went 1 for 8/9. As a hunter, CP makes for a crappy hunting coach. Thanks again to the Jumping Run/Harrises ... what a good time!


PS - I respectfully request that any pictures taken from Friday night not be posted on the Blog!!

At 9/05/2007 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As always glad to hear you are staying positive. Good news regarding the upcoming new specialist, I am sure they will be amazed with the Harrisisis and your support network. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers

Arditti Clan

PS I agree with Hutch, please do not post any pictures of him.

At 9/05/2007 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is nice to hear you are feeling well enough to kill! just kidding. i am glad you could get somefun time in and realize you could still do it. hopefully we will see you at beast's bachelor party.


At 9/05/2007 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Glad you got to knock down a few doves on opening day. Now that your taste for blood has returned, I can't wait to see what you do to the deer this season with your crossbow (and leather glove).

Love you and praying for you buddy. Granted, my clout with the man upstairs is probably tarnished at best, but I'm sure he'll even listen to me for a guy like you.

At 9/05/2007 11:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Excellent report. So glad you're doing what feels good again. Definitely looking forward to hearing what the new doc has to say.

take care buddy!
luke j

At 9/06/2007 3:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Clyde - It was such a treat to spend some time with you and Ashley last night. I hope we get to do it again soon. Maybe shoot some skeet? :).
I love you both - Margaret

At 9/06/2007 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear a nice report and see you are back out there doing what you love! Keep trukin'

At 9/07/2007 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


This was a great post to read. We'll talk to you soon.

Jack and family

At 9/07/2007 1:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm psyched your headed up here for a specialist, but am SO bummed I'm gonna be gone! Woody and I have discussed food/bar scenarios so you should be all set. And, if it looks like you'll be coming up again, bring your lovely lady friend!!
Hope to see you guys soon-

At 9/09/2007 12:45 AM, Blogger CP Harris said...


At 9/09/2007 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was talking with one of your Wake Forest classmates at a wedding tonight. Invariably, your name came up in conversation, and the guy told me what an inspiration you are to him. I know you hear that a lot from people, but hearing the sincerity in this guy's voice was very moving.

The more you hear how inspiring you are, maybe that compliment loses some of the intended punch by the time you hear it, so I'll take it a step further. You are indeed an inspiration, but your spirit and will during this ordeal are reminders to all of us that the human spirit is inherently tough. Self-doubt, illness, and personal tragedy often give us reason to succumb to self-pity, but your attitude through this struggle helps all of us find that tough, indominable core of the human spirit.

Yes, you are an inspiration. But you are also something much, much greater. Your actions and attitude reassure us that we can overcome the difficult, the impossible, and the discouraging curveballs that life throws us. Keep up the good fight. Your example makes us all better people in the face of adversity. I'm proud and lucky to have you as a friend.

At 9/10/2007 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for the updates, and for talking to me the other day after your surgery. You are trooper man.

Clark and I are meeting for lunch on Wed (finally...). Next time you folks are hanging at the farm and doing things that shouldn't be posted on the Blog, let me know...

Jeff F.

At 9/10/2007 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clyde was a sight to see... unless you were a dove. Or a pigeon. Or down on Will Hayes' corner, a house finch. There is no discrimination in these folks... none whatsoever.

I had a great time hanging out with you and Big Clyde and everyone else. It's truly a privilege to spend time with such fantastic people. It's a privilege I'm thankful for everyday.

Keep on keepin' on, and here's to a fresh and positive perspective up in Boston!



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