Sunday, July 22, 2007

Let's get physical...physical

I wanna get physical....

Physical therapy. That seems to be the new buzz world. No typo there. I'm probably looking at all sorts of long-term treatments over the course of the next year. We have to break down what can be done, how we're going to do it, and when that is going to take place.

More specifically, we're going to use a series of castings (old school white castings) to slowly stretch my fingers out straight. Currently, they are curled into a half fist. Once the fingers are straight from this process similar to braces and retainers, we'll focus on the movement.

Currenty, there is decent movement in the knuckles and a little less but still movement in the other joints. The muscles have a numbers of difficult factors against them. Repeated surgeries, radiation, brachytherapy especially, scar tissue, and tightness from the graft and flap attaching to the muscles all make movement more challenging. I guess having most of the flexor muscles removed probably doesn't help anything. Regardless, after we straighten we work on movement.

Hopefully with time I'll at least have the claw motion of my straight fingers and thumb to do most things like holding or grabbing an item. That is the most guaranteed motion but a normal opening and closing isn't out of the question just a factor of luck, work, and what’s left being agreeable.

As always, I'm doing everything. We're going to do a number of treatments with acupuncture including laser acupuncture, massage, and very positive thinking and visualization of healing.

The pain is still pretty bad. Increasing the amount of aggregation to the area with stretches and braces is both great for motion and discomforting at the same time. Not to end up like Butchy Yost, I've been reducing the amount of oxycontin I'm taking. The nerve pain medication is a different story. I tried to cut back. It hurt badly. I'll wait a little longer before I do that again. We are attacking this problem with acupuncture as well.

I wasn't trying to write a long post since I have a check up Friday with the doc. Maybe I'll just check in afterwards.

Take care of yourselves and each other.


PS Bret Michaels, lead singer of Poison, is starring in a new, delightful show on VH1, "Rock of Love." Bret, a mansion in LA, 25 Hooters girls, strippers, and groupies make for one of television’s greatest new reality shows. Catch it on Sundays, after church, of course. It really, really does. (Ash agrees)


At 7/24/2007 4:10 PM, Blogger Hutch said...

My 1st concert (ever)... Poison, Brittany Fox, and Lita Ford 1988, Fayetteville, NC Civic Center. I've never really recovered.

CP - we need to get you better and out of the house ... SOON!. When Brett Michaels becomes good entertainment, we may need to check how the meds are wearing on you.

Now, 25 Hooters girls, Hutch Hutchens, and Lake Waccamaw ... THAT is entertainment!! (... and also a lawsuit)

At 7/25/2007 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can do anything you put your mind to, I've seen you in action. Each day is a day closer to your goal. Hang in there. Love, Mom

At 7/25/2007 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ve been following your life through the Winter Park ladies and the internet and finally am posting due to the most recent subject line. It’s usually the pictures of your arm that get stuck in my head, but now it’s this godforsaken song you’ve chosen as the subject. I’m not sure which is worse, as images of me dancing to this song during some ridiculous rush event keep popping in my head (or maybe I was drunk and that was a different song…regardless).

I’ve been an avid reader of your blog since I first heard about it but more importantly, have shared parts with friends and family because I want people to realize the power of humor, spirit and determination. You’ve been through the ringer…twice (to put it most mildly)…but your amazing attitude continues to shine through each post. The great appreciation you show for all who have helped you get through this is admirable. Bring on the casts, the physical therapy and ultimately, a cold beer in your right hand.

My best to you and Ashley-
Laura Baxter

At 7/26/2007 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man. I can't believe you've turned your back on Flava. How could he have fallen so far?

Best of luck with the rehab and PT. As always, let us know if we can do anything.

Jayme and Leigh Ann

At 7/26/2007 9:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

First time I saw Brett Michaels I thought he was a she.
but he's got hot girls fighting over him on I guess not.

Thinking of you during the therapy, Clyde. Love you, man.

At 7/26/2007 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clyde - you crack me up - i am so amazed and inspired by your humor through all of keep us all going...poison is just a good time any day of the week and a sunday afternoon w/ bret michaels is just good american fun - we'll be sure to catch him this sunday...praying for ya!
Laura (Acton) Patton

At 7/26/2007 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope there won't be a scheduling conflict with the two coreys. surely that and bret's hooterama will be the best programming on tv. hang in there, clyde.

At 7/29/2007 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Big John....and the wasted girl from Chicago....and Brett's admission that "even though she doesn't have any brains and we don't have any connection, I feel that her physical attributes would pull us through the tough times". That is smarter than we'll ever start stretchin' those fangers.

At 7/29/2007 1:13 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Jesse and I prefer the much classier "Scott Baio is 45 and Single"

At 7/29/2007 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hutch - the only remaining question is why didn't you publish the set list for that poson show you went to????

whomever melissa is - scott baio comes way out of left field. i am 31, single, and italian myself. is this a dating web site too?


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