Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Hyperbaric Chambers)

Six chamber rides later and I’m a semi-pro, nothing at all close to my pro level of chamber skill after the 20 trips I have scheduled in the big iron cylinder (the funny thing is that I think I’m due for 10-20 more after the graft has been put in place). My arm is looking great, but they want it to improve even more and grow more muscle before they’ll cut me loose. It is amazing. You can tell and see a difference where the muscles are getting larger and spreading throughout the entire area. I’m very excited. Some of the top hand model agencies really think I have a chance at making a serious comeback.

Sitting in the room is pretty amusing. Everyone already has their collar on and is sitting nicely in their chairs. Usually there are three of us, all cancer patients and extremely likable. One gentleman is a bit older, maybe upper sixties. I hope my upper sixties demographic just didn’t get pissed at me. I didn’t say some old fart. Get with it upper sixties, you are a bit older…we still love you. Then there is a little boy who has done close to 50 rides in a row as a part of treatment for an inoperable brain tumor. My sources also tell me the HBO has stopped tumor growth in his brain…amazing.

Yesterday when I was putting on my socks with my head down he walked past me and rubbed his fingers back and forth through my hair. I looked up at him and we just smiled at each other... He is the epitome of all the amazing children I’ve encountered, those who all have the most admirable naïve confidence about their survival. He’s more worried about getting out of the chamber and into his apartment swimming pool. An apartment for dedicated families, living away from their real homes to ensure loved-ones get those long treatments and best chances. I was honored to have him touch my head.

On a less serious note, we meet a little after 8, put on our official gear and settle into our chairs. Your chair is your chair, there’s no debating over who got here first. It has your pillows, water, magazines, cyanide pills, and blankets. A nurse goes on the magical voyage with you. No lighters, phones, electronics, etc. allowed. Apparently, a spark from a Dale, Jr. lighter in a SC chamber…I want to say Spartanburg blew the doors off the sucker…no survivors, except the lighter. Man I’m off on some tangents. The most entertaining aspect of the whole chamber experience is the people. They're some of the nicest, friendliest people I've met at the hospital. A really great and wonderfully committed group. Because so little happens and it’s hard to write an entertaining portrayal of the experience. So here it is:

The doors shut. For 15 minutes the chamber pressurizes (and warms) from one atmosphere (sea level) to two atmospheres. Please, no questions about how we’re not sitting at exact sea level. 1 atmosphere is like being 33ft under water, except you sitting in a chair with your PJ’s, reading a 6-month-old version of some car magazine. Once pressurized, your hoods go on and the oxygen is pumped in. Two hours later the cabin depressurizes, taking 15 minutes, cooling during the process. Off with your hood and your ready for your two hour lunch break, because at 1pm, the party starts all over again.

You finish up around four and wonder, how did I just spend that day? For me, it‘s pretty much doing one of two things, intense finger exercises and sleeping, building up my strength for my next finger workout. I knock out quite a bit of exercises, but honestly, when I can't lift another finger, I'll recline to that third posisition and fall asleep. Similar to airline sleeping, I'm mainly just trying to get the remaining time over with, except I have a blanket covering a plastic head dome, blocking out a few lights to make sleeping and daydreaming that much easier.


At 6/27/2007 1:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about adding some of the great diving chamber pics for the crowd.It's even difficult for me to see that last arm photo and I've bandaged it. Your cheering section might enjoy you in your "diving chair". They'll surely be impressed with the dials and gauges shot. Love, Mom

At 6/27/2007 10:36 AM, Blogger Hutch said...

Yeah Clyde, cough up the pics of your domepiece under the dome- piece.

Missed you last night, good to see Clarkie. BB King has certainly seen better times ... but hey, I guess that's why he's got the blues.

At 6/27/2007 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya'll should see CP's hair at the moment. it has some curl and a little fluff to it...totally enticing for a little kid to touch!


At 6/27/2007 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice. Never thought of Clyde as being fluffy but since Mary Craig and I call Clark "Sparky" (in honor of Clark Grizwald from "Vacation"), I'm game for CP being "Fluffy."

Be sure to pour one out for ODB on your next trip to the chamber!


At 6/27/2007 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the photo. You really are Dr. Evil or now, Dr. Fluffy?

Good to hear about the muscle growth.

E. Miller

At 6/28/2007 8:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

soon you will be able to crush aluminum cans with a single clench of your mighty, muscled hand....I like the picture. You look like a cosmonaut.


At 6/28/2007 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your arm looks delish. I was eating some lasagna and catching up on the blog....what started as a big mistake ended up with me licking the computer screen. It looks so yummy next to a plate of lasagna. Perhaps for the next submission you could throw some parm cheese on top? Kirky Cheese, get on that for us, huh? I think you should begin posting your arm in compromising poses...."the lasagna" theme. I like Panky's "Freddy Kruger" theme. Also, I'd like to volunteer my thigh for your next graft. The McGehee's have notoriously healthy thighs....big, round, juicy, full of gravy. Your doctor can fill you in on the medical miracle of thigh gravy....Seriously, I'm game.

We love the craip out of you main,
Willard, Shannoonipoops and Huddy Mo

At 6/29/2007 5:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hello CP,
We are happy to see you are doing well and in good spirits.
When you finish your diving chambers hours, Clark should be able to make you a certified diver.
We have you and your family in our prayers.
Sid Griffin

At 6/30/2007 5:29 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

CP yo dawg! chamber man where yea at? dude that is so cool! i always knew you were from another atmosphere--that little kid was an alien man! don't let 'em get you too!

--fluffmaster flex

At 7/01/2007 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

clyde, you are amazing!
thinking about you....lise, mccarley and campbell


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