Friday, June 15, 2007

Take Two (more giant strips of my thigh)

I’m scheduled to go back for surgery on Wednesday to regraft the skin on my arm. Statistically almost impossible (which happens to be an ironic reoccurring theme with this whole experience), the entire graft basically failed (died), meaning I have a huge piece of dead, black, somewhat smelly (well maybe not somwhat) skin stapled to my arm. Resembling a real-life, old-fashioned "Grosser than Gross" joke, it would be easy to become discouraged…but screw that, we're only looking for positive deductions from this circumstance. So...are there any positives we can draw from the situation? The answer: absolutely.

A section of muscle that is attached to the base of my palm is currently exposed, very healthy looking, and mildly disgusting. It’s soft and pink, just like you’d assume an exposed muscle would look like…totally normal thing to have on you palm. The vein and artery were attached close to my elbow. Ergo, since the piece of muscle furthest from the “hookups” is alive and healthy, the doctors and I believe the entire flap (transferred muscle) is living with a good blood supply. There is a picture on the Triton Photos that visually communicates some idea of what I’m talking about, but I’ll spare the rest of you having to see the photo.

The surgery is normally outpatient, so unless there are any major complications (knock on wood), I’ll come home Wednesday afternoon. Personally, I’m glad I don’t have to spend another minute in a hospital bed; although, my couch is starting more and more like a large, tasty treat for a bonfire at the farm each time I clock in for my daily session. I’m starting to feel like I’m logging in more hours on a weekly basis than most of us (well, “most of us” referring to the particular group of my friends) did in college on the couch…studying, of course... At least I’m not stuck watching a vintage wooden furniture TV with the picture always tinted green.

I’ll write back Wednesday when I’m barely coherent and in terrible shape to write anything informative or respectable. It should be entertaining.


PS If you’re thinking about how bad or unlucky this additional surgery might be, please know that I really don’t give a damn about it. This is the inconvenient stuff, not the serious stuff. I’ve got my attention and energy focused on the real issues and getting successfully through them.


At 6/15/2007 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ready, set, go....I'm in for this round. Third time is lucky! We'll keep that in mind, focus on the good parts. I also love all my movie time with you and the fun things you say under the influence of high powered medications??!? Love you tons, Mom

At 6/16/2007 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday. Your advice worked, I was typing cph3@blogspot .com it worked on the PC but not the Mac. I guess it is all about the dot. Anyway, I hope you can have an enjoyable weekend. SEE YA! Karen Davidson Smith

At 6/17/2007 11:01 AM, Blogger CP Harris said...

Glad to help you through your technical problems on your Mac. You don't owe me anything now, but some day, and that day may never come, I'lll call upon you to do a service for me, but until that day, accept this technical advise a gift of our friendship and for your loyalty and respect for this Blog,



At 6/17/2007 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your fortitude continues to impress!!!!!!Will look forward to your post on Wed.and will have you, Ashley and your families in my heart all week. Lots of love, Margaret

At 6/18/2007 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since the Rocky theme has been established, I feel it necessary to paraphrase a quote from my namesake, Paulie. You're all heart, Clyde.
Hang in there.
Now I can't get the Six Million Dollar Man intro out of my head after those pics.
All the best.


At 6/18/2007 6:13 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Jesse and I are thinking about you all the time.
Melissa Green

At 6/19/2007 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the bonfire with couch idea, it worked so well for Lewis, Suge, Woody, and Doug Sahmel in college. Well, maybe not for Doug.
Sorry I've been MIA recently - I will get up there some time next week to check out the new, gnarly arm.

And you are right CP - the arm stuff is not the main issue ... there is the other thing to focus our prayers on. However, that does not mean that you and Ash and the whole Fam Damily are not showing amazing strength and courage in dealing with these painful and stressful surgeries.

Big up ya'self!

Love, Hutch & Harper

At 6/19/2007 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Take your act old school and drag that couch up on your roof. The neighbors will no doubt appreciate a semi-nude man with considerable body hair sunning himself next door.

Or maybe we can get Yosh over to christen it properly.

Either way, I wish I could get my current TV wood-paneled ala the Junkyard. Watching The Simpsons with the characters actually in yellow isn't nearly as fun.

Big props to you, CP. Keep on keepin' on.


At 6/19/2007 11:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

sometimes I have frightful dreams about Yosh...and that couch...

At 6/20/2007 10:54 AM, Blogger Hutch said...

Yeah,, Sorry about the whole Yosh thing. Hey, at least we got some deep, intellectual poetry out of it.

My Bad.

At 6/20/2007 11:17 AM, Blogger Caroline said...

Good luck today Clyde! We're thinking about you and hope all goes well.

Hilary and Lumpy


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