Wednesday, June 06, 2007

CP3 Unplugged

The drainage bulbs are gone. The stitches in my back are gone. Some of the staples are gone. That part of the check up today was great...and I mean great. It was really starting to hurt just sitting up or laying down. That pain is completely gone.

I'll return next Friday to meet with the surgeon and discuss the skin graft. Parts look good, parts look suspect, and some parts look bad. What does this mean? There is a highly probable chance that I'll have to have some more grafting. As long as the flap (muscle transfer) is healthy, having a little grafting isn't a big deal to me at all, just part of the process. A process that will also inevitably include both some cosmetic and functionality surgeries as well over the next year. Again, I'm not worried, just realistic about it being part of what I have to do.

That's about it. I'll check in if anything fun and exciting happens (let's hope not) or after next weeks appointment. On a closing note, I saw Rocky Balboa last night with Ashley. It was surprising good to both of us and I'd recommend it. At one point Rocky said something in and inspirational speech that really touched me on several levels. It actually made me break down.

"It's not about how hard you hit, but how hard you can get hit, stand up, and move forward."

I fell like I've been hit over and over, but am still standing strong, and most definitely moving forward.

I guess Roc is my new spiritual leader. Yo Adrienne...Hummmmmmmm.....Hummmmmmmm.



(Newer Triton Photos)


At 6/06/2007 6:33 PM, Blogger tom.callahan said...

...mmmmm hmmmmm...cold chilli

At 6/07/2007 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are moving along nicely after the fever scare.

If you end up needing another graft and you need any hair from my back, please let me know. Lord knows I have back hair a-plenty. Good to know that Sly can still inspire, I would highly recommend Rambo - First Blood Part I. Classic. I just don't want to see the awkward man-hug between Rocky & Apollo in Rocky 3 (on the beach) reenacted by you and Clark.

Keep your head up and know we're thinking of you and praying for you, Verms, and the fams.

Much love,
O, Merrie, Pres, and HB

At 6/07/2007 9:12 AM, Blogger CP Harris said...

you find the short shorts, we'll dig deep and find the hug. brothers are lovers. oh yeah, you said you didn't want to see that and i'm sure 85% of the people reading this are now having some serious questions. Doh!

At 6/07/2007 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clyde, never have i seen someone (from afar) face something so courageously and with such a great attitude and humor. We are so proud of you. Hang in are so fortunate to be surrounded by so many who love you. You're a special person. We love you and are praying for you.

Kristen and Chris

At 6/07/2007 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just caught up on the blog after seeing Ashley on Monday night at dinner. Y'all truly are an inspiration to us all, and we're praying for your speedy recovery.

It looks like you'll be back to head-butting strength in no time. We look forward to seeing you both real soon! Maybe we can race on the beach in the short shorts. (Ugly thought there...........saw Rocky 1 on TNT the other day)

Yours Truly,

Joe & Melissa

At 6/07/2007 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on making it home!! It sounds like things are going great...what a journey! We never really know what happens to people when they leave the ICU so reading up on your story lets me know that we must be doing something right. You've come a long way from being on the ventilator and you deserve it! Good luck in continuing your recovery, I'll be checking in for more updates!

Florence Nightingale
aka Casey 2200 RN

P.S. The pics are awesome!

At 6/07/2007 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can have some of my skin...Seriously.

CP, I'm astonished every blog entry. What you write is merely a glimpse, a brief relation of what this experience is like for you, Ashley, your family, and I marvel at your spirit. You have all approached this with such courage...keep it up.

P.S. Those pics...dude, take my skin, seriously.

At 6/07/2007 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

previous entry = Wilkins, Jen & Mary.

At 6/12/2007 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are home. I've been thinking of you but haven't checked the blog in a few days. It is frustrating, I can't figure out how to check your blog on ny new Mac. Any suggestions? Every time I try on the MAC it pulls up this Blogger site. HMMMM. I've returned to my old PC just for you. Hang in there.
Karen Davidson Smith

At 6/13/2007 8:33 AM, Blogger CP Harris said...

just type in the bar and hit return and it should take you there. make sure to type the whole thing and not let it guess what you are trying to type. good luck. should be easy. fleming is a great mac tech if you ever have problems. thanks for always checking on me. i'll write a new post frday after my appointment with my surgeon

At 6/13/2007 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A true inspiration to everyone indeed. A stronger fighter than Rocky any day!! You, Ashley and your family are a constant in my thoughts and prayers.

xoxo- Marsha

At 6/13/2007 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CP I want you to know that when you are feeling up to it and have some free time, we REALLY need to all get up to the lake for another cousin reunion. Reading your blog makes me realize just how amazing you are, and I have never seen such strength in someone who is faced with such a horrible situation. I am so proud to be part of your family, and you are an inspiration to everyone. I think about you all the time, and I love you so much. You and Ashley are in my prayers.

Allison W.

At 6/13/2007 4:11 PM, Blogger Lydell said...


I hope all is well buddy.

At 6/13/2007 4:35 PM, Blogger Lydell said...


What's up? I see that your blog is alive and kicking!

I wish you all the best! How are things?

At 6/13/2007 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clyde and Ashley---you both continue to be an inspiration to everyone!! I have enjoyed reading what has been written and viewing pictures---and we will continue to keep you both and your doctors in our blessed Brian and Sydney are to have you both as friends!! We are going to have a dinner at some point with all of us--parents on both sides included---lots of good food and wine!! Can't wait!! Lots of love, Barbara and Rick


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