Monday, June 04, 2007

Fever Dog

Just got back from the Emergency Room at Duke. I've been dealing with a low-grade fever (100-101) for the past few days and controlling it with simple Tylenol. This morning, it started around 101.4 and after some Tylenol and an hour it was close to 102 so we talked to our folks in Durham and they told us to come on Ash and I jumped in the car.

Other than having to be bothered with going to the ER, everything couldn't have gone better. I had broken the fever when I got there, looking a bit like McGehee after a wedding reception. They still took blood, did a few tests, and had the plastics team look at my arm, leg, and back. Everything looked normal...blood, arm, leg, graft, flap, back, gross drainage grenades, everything. I even got to see my surgeon and speak to him, which is somewhat impossible. He was happy with my progress.

So...a little scare turned into alot of worries dismissed and questions answered, and it only took a few hours to get through the entire process.

I'll go back Wednesday for my formal appointment, but at least I can relax, knowing everything is going well until then.

Acuna Matata


At 6/05/2007 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whew, sorry you had the scare, but glad everything turned out well!

At 6/05/2007 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was from Hesta - sorry

At 6/05/2007 3:00 PM, Blogger tgriff said...

Cp - Digging the bionic arm. Looks like you could use it to battle evil -- or at least shoot grappling hooks out of your finger-tips like inspector gadget. Echoing Ashley’s comments the other day re: Wolverine, you’re the only superhero I know. Keep kicking cancer up and down the block. You’re an inspiration to all of us – mean that.
- Taylor

At 6/05/2007 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of you tonight and every night. What an honor it was to spend so many days with you at Duke. I'm so proud of you. You're the bravest of the brave ....even when the going became impossibly tuff!! Lots of love, hugs and cold wash cloths for your forehead. Mom

At 6/06/2007 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Mrs. Harris, you need to call and warn me when you are gonna post a blog - I can't be crying at work like that anymore!!

CP, Ash, and Flem - great to see ya'll the other day. This continues to be a great testament to the power of positive thinking, of love, of family, of friendship, of modern medicine, and of the strength and determination of one incredible couple.

I love you guys - see you soon.

Hutch (the Embarrassed, Wailing Attorney)

At 6/06/2007 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS - wasn't "Fever Dog" the song from Almost Famous - by Stillwater? Nice reach CP.


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