Thursday, June 21, 2007

Outpatient Day Surgery...Four Day Hospital Recovery

I might come back and write more later today or cleans this up. It's 6:50am, I haven't really slept that much and writing a post puts me to sleep faster than anything. By the way I feel great, wearing flops, pj's, and a t-shirts. I'm getting around, keeping it real on the transplant hall, keeping up my appearance. You never know, some disgruntled colon transplant recipient might get out of sorts and try to shank you when you cross paths on the hall just for looking at his nurse wrong. Not to sound like a rat, but I did hear a recent story about a patient roughing up some old lady having a hip replacement for only a six pack of apple juice and four tubes of no rinse soap....Man, I've heard stories....

More realistic facts.

1. I'm here until Saturday most likley.
2. They removed the skin and some dead and bad muscle (not much)
3. I'm here for added wound care to "beef up" the site, making a new graft work beter
4. My hand Dr. was blown away that I could indepenently move my fingers.
5. Currently, the would is bandaged, but uncovered by skin.
6. I might receive several groups of super Oxygen hyperbaric chamber treatments.
7. I'll probably go home with a wound vac on the open wound for 7-10 days
8. At that point they'll regraft.
9. Kirk and Fleming were featured in the Life setion of the N&O yesterday for his cheese hobbying and blogging efforts...very nice article
10. Alot of major decisions with the wound are based on how it looks tomorrow when they first unrap it.
11. Surgery and recovery were a breeze
12. DT told me, whenever he feels bad about anyything, he just thinks of me....HA
13. The best thing is not having my arm smell like some stinky ass chees from Kirk's blog that crosses dirty socks and dead fish

See you in my dreams.



At 6/21/2007 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CP -
Last night I watched the last 30 minutes of the American Film Institute's top 100 movies -- Thought you might like to see their top picks and round-out your 'A' movie list ... let us know if we can make a run to Blockbuster. Have you seen Raging Bull? ... Looks like something you boys would like.

12. The Searchers
11. City Lights (Chaplain - 1931)
10. Wizard of Oz
9. Vertigo
8. Schindler's List
7. Lawrence of Arabia
6. Gone With the Wind
5. Singin' in the Rain
4. Raging Bull
3. Casablanca
2. The Godfather
1. Citizen Kane

Kristin B.

At 6/21/2007 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Dog,

Keep scrappin and watch your back, sounds like the "joint" is pretty tough these days... Best wishes and love.

Davis Clan

At 6/21/2007 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and Ash. Ran into Paul Bernadas out the other night. Told him to get in touch with you. We had a beer together in honor of a fast recovery for you.

Hang in there and know people all over - even in the heat of the New Orleans summer - are thinking of you.


At 6/21/2007 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out. Cheese!


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