Sunday, July 01, 2007

Wrap it up, I’ll take it.

The hyperbaric chamber has shown excellent results. I added a photo of my current arm to the Triton Photos. If you take a look at the current arm versus one of the earlier pictures, notice the extreme increased amount of red matter and the healing that has taken place. The pictures are a lot to handle still, so some of you might want to (begin to) take my word. The red substance includes both increased muscle and blood vessels, both of which are great things for the skin grafts to attach. The darker areas are unusuable tissue that has clumped together and "scabbed" over. To be honest, I don't know what they are exacly, but I do know they won't be there after tomorrow morning. The surgery is scheduled for Monday morning and should be the last time we try to cover up the problem.

I learned from one of my doctors that radiation can significantly affect the success of grafts and flaps. Without getting into numbers and percentages, the odds were not that great that the last surgery would be a total success. It was a bit unusual that the flap did so well so far from the blood supply, but…hey, that’s just me…not normal. Discovering that the surgery had a much higher rate for potential failure actually relieved me. I thought it was supposed to be almost bulletproof. Knowing the truth can be a good thing most of the time.

So surgery is Monday. I’m very excited to get this part over with so we can start paying attention to my wrist and hand, which currently are pretty weak and tight. In no way did I indicate I have a limp wrist. As my arm has been healing, it has created some tightness, but my doctor did say he could address some of these issues during surgery. This whole recurrence had been a major process, on so many lev eos.ppppppppppppppppppppppplllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll==========================llllllllllllllll=pooooooooooooo------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (sorry, Clark just woke me up. I fell sleep writing on the couch…what are you gonna do?)

Clark rescued me yesterday from my home imprisonment and we cruised to Lake Gaston (Ashley ran up to Richmond for the night for Whit’s birthday). It’s the first time truly away from home for quite some time. I’m Courtney Love pail and in desperate need of some color. Maybe I’ll grab a little of the sunlight before I’m back in the hospital and home recovery while I have a chance. I’ve been out a little more slowly over the past week, and it really feels good to be out. The graft recovery period is relatively short, especially considering the recovery time from the two previous substantial surgeries. I should be out and about in no time with a pretty creepy arm. Working on that both cosmetically and functionally will take some serious time and energy, but we’ll get through that too.

Thanks for caring, keeping updated, and wishing us the best.

I love you.


At 7/01/2007 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're getting out of the house for some much needed TLC sun. :) Good luck tomorrow. Love you both.
Reid and Mike

At 7/01/2007 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're getting out of the house for some much needed TLC sun. :) Good luck tomorrow. Love you both.
Reid and Mike

At 7/01/2007 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck on monday dude. i don't comment all of the time but i never miss an update. i'll be in raleigh on tuesday.
see you-

At 7/02/2007 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck today CP! Ashley- let me know if ya'll need anything. Your sweet little Watts-y-poo is having a great time with Baylor today, so no worries! Love you guys!!!!

Mary Allison

At 7/02/2007 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of you in the rains of Oklahoma. Make it stop please.... Your arm is looking better, that last picture was something else. My phrase for the summer is "Oh, for Pete's sake!" a classic but it is funny in most scenarios. Maybe you should try incorporating it into your lingo after all doctors comments. Anyway, thinking of you and praying for healing of da arm.
Karen Davidson Smith

At 7/02/2007 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope today went well, you are in our thoughts and prayers!
We love you both!
Ree and Robert

At 7/02/2007 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope everything went well today- It was great seeing you guys yesterday!
love you!
Alston & Will

At 7/02/2007 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen Davidson Smith,
"Oh, for Pete's sake!"

At 7/03/2007 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope the surgery went well. God bless you brother.

At 7/03/2007 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your oomph never ceases to amaze us. You and your family are with us everyday in our hearts. We love you, love you, love you. Cindy and Ed

At 7/03/2007 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melissa and I are thinking of you and Ashley, and can't wait to see you. Hope the surgery went well! Let us know if we can bring you anything, seriously!

At 7/03/2007 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chad and I hope surgery went well and will be the last...ditto on Davis's comment of comments...
We love you both! Alice

At 7/03/2007 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck Monday. We're all thinking about you in the Woodberry community.

Bill Robertson

At 7/03/2007 2:35 PM, Blogger Hutch said...

"Out and about in a little while."
Now were talkin'!! Let me know when, and I am takin' the next day off work. We'll go out and (as the kids say these days) "make it rain."

Werd to Pac-Man Jones.

At 7/03/2007 4:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

the arm looks better already after your dives!
high five.



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