Friday, July 13, 2007

Arm check up in two weeks, CT scan on August 1, beach thereafter.

Wednesday went well. The graft is looking good enough to move away from the wet bandage to a dry one. Life is simpler and dryer. We’re really back to the point of dressing changes and graft appearance as we were last year with the first surgery. I could be out of a bandage in less than a month.

Although that idea seams great at first, I’m a little hesitant to dawn my new arm to the public. For those of you who haven’t seen the pictures, the skin is covering the wound, but there is a large void where the forearm used to be, especially close to the elbow. Because of the radiation treatments, surgeries to attach tissues had significantly lower success rates. A large portion of the flap died and was removed. Things do not look normal by any means and I might want to wear a skin toned fabric sleeve to cover the wound.

How do I feel about this? It’s a little disheartening. I’m lucky to have an arm, but it is by no means the one I had before all this began. As far as dealing with the deformity of my arm, I’m holdin in there as usual. I'm not thrilled, but life will move on and things will be fine. I might just cover the wound to make other people have an easier time with appearance, which will obviously make me more comfortable as well. This is not the worst thing that could happen by any means, and I’m happy to have the arm.

I also really started physical therapy Wednesday as well. So far I have finger joint stretches and hand motion exercises that if done correctly would only take close to twenty minutes of each hour, to be done hourly. So I guess I have a new job now… We talked about goals. I said I’d like to open and close my hand within a year. This was reasonable. It’s also a lot to swallow. I do want my hand back and look forward to seeing the progress, recognizing that it will be slow but hopefully steady. There was a massive amount of muscle and nerve removed from my arm. Currently, I’m going to meet with the therapists weekly and see where the road goes.

So we have an arm that doesn’t really look or work like it should… These things are truly minor…noticeably present and influencing in my life, but minor. I also have to adjust to some fairly significant pain left over from the surgeries, primarily nerve pain. When levels are low, there is just a tingling sensation. When levels spike, the feeling is more like crushing a light bulb in your hand and not being able to let go of the electric current. The pain can be shooting and at times, unreal to bear. This sucks. I don’t like it one bit. I'm attacking the pain from all angles. Hopefully it will go away. It most definitely has dramatically decreased since I was in the hospital. This excerpt from an email to my doctors explains the situation a bit more…

“Secondly, and ironically, is there anything else I can take or do for the nerve pain? Maybe I could try a different medication or potentially increase the 150mg dose or frequency of the Lyrica. The nerve pain is at a point where anything can spike the pain running through my hand…loud noises, sudden movements, etc. The pain is also constant and easily stimulated. For example: the corners of a balled up piece of paper feel like sharp spikes or rubbing the back of my hand across my beard stubble feels like holding your hand too close to a fire. I'm aware that this pain might subside further or even go away completely on it's own. I'm also a realistic person, and am aware that this might just be a situation that I have to deal with as a result of major surgery involving both primary nerves. Without trying to sound dramatic, I just wanted to see if there were any other options to explore.”

This is an honest Blog. I’ve tried to explain the experience as it is. Right now, it's pretty tough. Ashley and I are dealing with a lot; the physical aspects, the physicals losses, the never ending medical care at home, the long road of rehabilitation, the constant presence of real pain, and the looming schedule of chest scans. We’re handling it all amazingly well. We’ve blown out each other, set boundaries, described emotions of feeling unappreciated, and each time finished the conversation closer and more understanding of each other than before. What more can you ask for in a relationship? What more could you ever possibly want from the person who has to be dragged through this crap with you? Nothing… And in that, there is a massive positive force enough to grab hold of that pulls you from the places you don’t want to be…fear, depression, anger, and loss of faith. I hope that makes sense. Having my friends and family support me keeps my head up and drives me to stay positive. Having Ashley by my side through all this makes it both worth doing and remotely possible. Thank you, Ash. Thank you, God.

PS Yesterday, I got back in the saddle of acupunture, which has been an important element through this journey. Both my friend and acupunturist, Marc, and myself are excited about working through the healing from a different perspective. One that I'd enjoyed amazing success.


At 7/13/2007 10:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll get through this too. Pain is a bummer. Arm shape changes are just another adventure. Therapy is a positive, although uncomfortable, forward motion. will get you there. Hopefully you know there's no shortage of love in your universe today, tomorrow or ever. Mom

At 7/14/2007 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're sending incredible amounts of hope, courage, prayers, and love from Woodberry Forest. Everyone is thinking of you. -Bill Robertson

At 7/14/2007 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there buddy - nothing you and Ash can't handle. We are thinking and praying for you every day. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

--Mike, Reid & Burnt

At 7/14/2007 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we love you both and think of you as each day passes and moves to a place where there will one day be no more pain. I am sorry for all you've been through, I cannot imagine how hard it's been. The love you and Ashley have will give you the faith and hope that this too shall pass. We pray that will come soon. -elizabeth & chris

At 7/15/2007 9:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

CP--thinking of you every day as you heal. I've got some sugggestions for good finger exercises (but details perhaps another time).

At 7/15/2007 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I won't see you & Ashley for a few weeks, I have to check in online. I think you are amazing! And you are correct - Ashley is, too! Remember, you were in the hospital for our fabulous 4TH of July Bash (you, AVH, your mom and mother-in-law, namely me). Since today is July 15, you have only been home 10 days. MEV & I feel certain that your pain will continue to lessen and you will become stronger & more rested as days go by. Have patience(not easy)...and keep your great sense of humor! Betty & MEV

At 7/16/2007 1:05 AM, Blogger CP Harris said...

thanks guys. it's amazing to think is was only ten days ago...

feels like a month.

At 7/16/2007 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep the faith CP. We're thinking and praying for you and the fam everyday and are so happy that you have a trooper like Verms by your side.

Much love,
O, Mer, Pres, HB, and Greta

At 7/16/2007 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't imagine how difficult this has been for you both. I'm so glad you have each other. I've thought about you both a lot over the past few year and continue to do so. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way.
Lizzie Lovett

At 7/16/2007 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are definitley keeping my tear ducts healthy. I wish more than anything that I could carry some of the physical pain for you. I am sure I am not the only one.


At 7/16/2007 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about the pain. I hope it begins to subside soon. We are definitely thinking of you...Paul, Joelle, and Ava

At 7/16/2007 11:03 PM, Blogger Leah and Philip said...

You're still hot ... I've been watching your progress and you are amazing!

At 7/16/2007 11:07 PM, Blogger Leah and Philip said...

Leah's boyfriend here: your blog is great and I keep coming back to see what's happened. Then I go check out new cheeses with Kirk. Your new graft looks fantastic; with time your muscles will fill in the void. Hope to meet you guys someday soon. Philip St. C. 1992

At 7/18/2007 10:34 AM, Blogger Hutch said...

We are still with you too, CP & Verms. Harper and I think and talk about you two every night - and I have to admit we also brag about the courage and strength and faith that our good friends, Clyde and Ashley, possess. You make me proud. And you both continue to inspire us.

I have complete faith in you, that you will supercede everyone's expectations - including your own.

See you soon!

At 7/18/2007 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clyde - Hang in there buddy. Sydney and I are thinking and praying for you and Ashley every day. I can't even imagine the pain you're going through. But I know you'll get through this with all the positive thoughts and prayers that you have going for you. Hope to see you guys soon.

-Brian & Sydney

At 7/18/2007 3:56 PM, Blogger Kim Seymour said...

I've been away and just got the catch up...though you have remained in my prayers throughout. It, honestly, moves me to tears. Not the sadness of what you may have lost but the strength, faith and love you have found and shared with anyone who will step to. That's what God puts us here for, to be testiments to His love and that of our neighbors. You're not only getting it but giving it daily, CP. Hang in there. Our darkest hours help us find our brightest lights.
Love to you and Ashley both...

At 7/22/2007 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As always, i am thinking of you and praying for a miracle of healing. Your strength in faith and keeping your marriage strong completely amazes me as it does everybody else. Love to you and Ashley!
Karen Davidson Smith

At 7/22/2007 4:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

We have you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Keep up the faith and positive attitude, this too will pass. The love you and Ashley have will endure all and get you through this.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon.
Sidney Griffin and Family

At 7/22/2007 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clyde & Ashley - what would we do without you as neighbors?! We love you and you are always in our thoughts and prayers! Much love to both of you!

Darcy says yu are the best neyburs!

Trinnie, Madalyn and Darcy

At 8/15/2007 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ashley & Clyde,
We found your blog thru Laura and keep up with more details thru Betty V. What amazing strength you show! You should be so proud of the way you are both dealing with something that no one, and especially at your age, should have to be handling. We have faith that this will be a distant nightmare-past-chapter in your lives very soon.
Love, Gail & Jim Baxter


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