Wednesday, August 01, 2007


From the CT horses mouth:

Findings: New nodular opacity measures 5mmx5mm. Lungs otherwise normal.

Impression: Interval development of a right middle lobe 5mm nodule. Given the history of malignancy, this is concerning for metastatic disease. Recommend 3 month follow-up.

My Impression: Crap.

Our plan: Meeting with a thoracic oncologist Monday to discuss options. Screw waiting three months.

What might happen: Biopsy (less likely because small size) or surgically remove it and do pathology (very likely), if malignant consider chemo.

Surgery options: Scope out the nodule or cut into chest, spread ribs and cut the sucker out.

What then: Keep scanning chest. Hope this nightmare is over.

That really is it in a nutshell. We've yelled, cried, and bought a ton of wine. Still off to the beach. I'll write my findings after Monday.

This really, really sucks. We'll get through it like we always do.

Chin is up.


At 8/01/2007 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you more than words can ever express. I'm forever your wing-man. A thousand hugs to you and Ashley, Mom

At 8/01/2007 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are amazing and we love you. The Atkinsons

At 8/01/2007 10:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

chin up indeed. you're with me every day. Love y'all.
luke n DD

At 8/02/2007 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of our love and prayers...thinking of you both. Enjoy the beach!
Alston & BWS

At 8/02/2007 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing like the salt air to give morale a boost. Maybe we will see you there. We love you both. Margaret & Al

At 8/02/2007 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love you guys and think about you daily. We'll keep on praying for you.
Whitney, Andy, and Bo

At 8/02/2007 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clyde and Ashley -

You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Keep the faith.

Wendi H.

At 8/02/2007 9:18 AM, Blogger Hutch said...


Now that that is out of the way ... You still got this, baby. You both do. One more set back in a series of setbacks ... but so far, NONE are too much for you guys to overcome. Keep jumping the hurdles, CP. And if you tire, you have all of us. You'll get there.

Cheeg UP!

At 8/02/2007 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this stinks! but never, never forget that faith moves mountains and the mountain in your life right now is what you are going thru. Keep your faith and know that there are many, many people that love you, Ashley, and the whole family and that daily we go to prayer in your behalf.

At 8/02/2007 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking about you and Ashley and sending you lots of love -Sarah

At 8/02/2007 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep the faith, CP. With all these folks praying for you, it can only get better. Have fun at the beach.

Much love,
The Boutons

At 8/02/2007 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chin up. Beach it up and come back with new energy. Nothing you can't handle.
-Bill @ Woodberry

At 8/02/2007 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You poor thing. Lots of prayers coming to you from Dallas.
-Leah Small

At 8/02/2007 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sending lots of hugs & prayers to you, Ashley & your family. We are thinking of you every day. Try to relax and enjoy the beach. The ocean can do wonders for the soul.
Much love, Lindsay & Jesse

At 8/02/2007 12:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

hey bud! have a great time at the beach and you and ash RELAX! Carrie and I are thinking about you guys--love to you both!

At 8/02/2007 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you need is a good pair of water wings, a few bicardi breezers, and Ash can take care of the rest. Enjoy the sun and surf and we'll look forward to catching up with you when you get back. Brian and I are sending lots of love to you both!
- Sydney

At 8/02/2007 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I am so sorry y'all are having to go through this. A great attitude, faith and hope will get you through this too. I am sure of it.

If the doctor suggests a vacation with lots of drinking and humidity as part of the healing process, we have a room with your name on it in New Orleans.


At 8/02/2007 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love you all so much and are constantly sending good thoughts and energy your way. All our love and all our prayers....
Alice and Chad

At 8/02/2007 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there Clyde and Ashley and as always, please let me know what I can do for you here in Raleigh(besides continuous prayers).

Hesta, Kirk and Andrew

At 8/02/2007 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I know this is disappointing, and I wish a had a terrible joke or a stupid human trick to lift your spirits even for a few seconds. Let me work on that and get back to you. In the meantime, I hope you can use the beach time to find a little peace and to charge yourself up mentally to go back to the mat with this bastard on Monday. You will eventually crush this SOB and get it out of your life and your body for good.

Much love and support from the Bear house.

Win and Kristin

At 8/02/2007 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clyde and Ashley - Hesta mentioned your blog and I am just overwhelmed after reading - the thought of all you have been through. You will have friends praying for you here in Greenville, NC. Love and hugs - Liz, Brad and Meade Evans

At 8/02/2007 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and Ash continue to inspire us with your attitudes. Enjoy the beach. We're praying for you and thinking of you.

Kristen and Chris

At 8/02/2007 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say. I don't know why this disease is trying to get you. We keep praying that you and your doctors will figure it out and that you and Ashley can get on with your lives. You guys have been though too much. I really hope you can find some comfort at the beach, even if it involves a lot of alcohol. We are forever thinking of you and your family... and waiting for the day this is all over!

Lots of love, Shannon and Will

At 8/02/2007 3:42 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

All of our love and prayers are being sent your way! Chin up, wine back, swim naked.

Melissa & Joe

At 8/02/2007 4:17 PM, Blogger CP Harris said...

You people drink too much! Seriously, you might consider getting some help. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you with your problem.

Thank you so much for all the support and encouragement. Incredible responses.

Peeling off warning labels and typing with one hand is too difficult. I'll check back in Monday.

At 8/02/2007 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clyde, you and Ashley are truly amazing people! Your strength and your attitudes inspire us! We know you will beat this thing!

Love from Joe, Melissa, and Elle!

At 8/02/2007 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin and I are keeping up the prayers and positive wishes chain here in California (we've got you and Ashley covered when its the middle of the night on the east coast!). We love you & think of you daily. Ginny & Justin

At 8/03/2007 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clyde and Ashley,
Your fight and attitude is so inspiring. So many of us are thinking of you and praying for you constantly.
Mike S. (works with Wendi)

At 8/03/2007 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, this pisses me off! You guys are going to get that son of a b%tch...I just know it.

Clyde and Ashley, we think about ya'll everyday. Karla and I continue to marvel at your strength and determination. I KNOW this will be just another speedbump on the road to a clean bill of health. God bless,

Mark Appleby

At 8/03/2007 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

clyde- I just can't believe it, the last thing you needed to hear. I am so sorry you continue to go through these scary moments. Chris and I are thinking of you and send whatever strength we have your way. Hang out with your family, drink lots of vino, and definitely go skinny dipping.
elizabeth and chris

At 8/03/2007 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you big man. Thinking about you often. Can't wait to hear about the next brainstorming session coming from the beach. Should be priceless. Try and keep Clark in line, please.

I know you got this thang handled. Keep it up. We got ya back.


At 8/03/2007 12:54 PM, Blogger rjsoave said...

Zaire, 1974
The "Rumble in the Junle"
Ali vs. Foreman

Foreman pummels ali with punches that should destroy him for seven rounds. Ali is against the ropes taking this brutal beating, but isn't going down. Instead he laughs in the face of the threatening giant. In throwing these hard knock punches the giant Foreman begins to tire. Ali comes off the ropes in round 8 and proceeds to level the beast. He does this all with style and grace. He becomes an inspriation to the world. The Rope-a-Dope is born.

The Rumble in Raleigh
CP Harris = Ali
Triton = Foreman
It's round 7
The real Rope-a-Dope is born

"CP Bomaye!!!"

Have a great ime at the beach I love you guys and am with you always.


"Triton's gonna get kn

At 8/03/2007 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unreal. We're praying for you as well, and we look forward to the positive update sure to follow.

Jayme and Leigh Ann

At 8/04/2007 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep praying for you and hoping you will soon be alot better.I'm Linda Higgins at wilson computer center.Keep the faith God is with you . Jack and Linda

At 8/04/2007 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have been keeping up with you through Dave and Kim. We are so sorry to hear that you have to go through more. We don't see you , but just wanted to let you know that you are two of our favorite people and we just are so distressed that this just keeps on keeping on. Just know that you are both in our hearts and prayers now, and since this has started. You both are amazing people with wonderful attitudes. I know how hard that is to keep on having that great attitude ,but you are loved and have so many prayers coming your way. Hope this latest set back is over and done with soon. Love, Mac and Jo Alexander

At 8/05/2007 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love you, love you, love you. Stay in that salt water and know we are with you.

Cindy and Ed

At 8/06/2007 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cp, we're keeping up with you on the site and just saw this awful news. our love and prayers are with you buddy, have no doubt you'll beat this thing. john and hilary in dc

At 8/06/2007 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

c-cheg, sorry to hear the latest. your peeps in charleston are thinking about you. go ahead and take care of this thing so we can get together soon! dave

At 8/06/2007 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and Ashley are in my thoughts and prayers, as always. Stay strong and if you feel weak, lean on your friends!

Love you guys!

Mary Allison

At 8/06/2007 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinkin about you, Clyde.

Tom C

At 8/06/2007 5:11 PM, Blogger Kim Seymour said...

Hoping this is just a red herring. Prayers and best of thoughts your way...You've got an amazing lot of fight and even more in folks who'll go to the mat for you in any way they can. Hang in there and keep the faith. It's an incredible gift.

At 8/06/2007 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CP -
All of the Artspace family is thinking of you, and sending our thoughts and prayers your way. We've been keeping up w/ you through Fleming, but wanted you to know that you're in our thoughts. Give our best to Ashley too. We know we'll hear good news soon. Beth @ Artspace

At 8/06/2007 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't even know you, but your courage is evident through your words. It is unbelievable what an inspiration you are to those around you!! I am very sorry that you are having to go through this ordeal, but please know that you will be in my prayers.
Beth (a friend of Kim Seymour)

At 8/06/2007 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This must be incredibly frustrating! Hang in there! You and Ash are an amazing team! We continue to pray for you. Lots of love, Trina and Mike

At 8/09/2007 6:06 PM, Blogger said...

We have you both on our minds and in our prayers daily; know there is a light at the end of this tunnel- praying for it to get here soon.
Laura & Jason


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