Monday, August 06, 2007

Happy Birthday, Fleming.

Surgery has been set for Tuesday, August 14, which also happens to be my sister's birthday. For my present to her, I hope to finish this saga with my final surgery at Duke. Dramatic? Yes. Being a cheapskate? Damn Skippy.

Using a technique resembling arthroscopic surgery, the doctors plan to remove the tumor with around 2-3cm of margin, about the size of a golf ball. They will go in from my right side and below my right nipple leaving two incisions which most likely will be relatively small. There is a possibility that the entry to my back might require a larger opening, but it is unexpected. I should be able to recover in a day or two if everything goes as anticipated. After surgery, the large scar count will total 11, including the skin graft.

After the nodule is removed, the pathologist will determine if it was indeed a Triton tumor. The watch will continue. Scans will remain every three months. It sounds like chemo would be unlikely, but I'll have to discuss that with that particular doctor. Had multiple nodules been detected, chemo would be more likely. I am speculating here and can't be sure until after surgery, pathology and speaking with my "chemo doctor".

On a completely different note, we found my new doctor in the food court eating fried chicken and my orthopaedic oncologist in a hospital hallway red handed with a bag of McDonald's in his scrubs. I'm not sure what it means exactly, but I like these guys style... Anyone who can remove the majority of my forearm in the morning and put down a super-sized Big Mac with fries for lunch gets my vote. My entourage (Ashley, Dad, and myself) also crossed paths with a doctor from the hyperbaric chamber clinic as well as the ortho doc's nurse/assistant, an incredible woman, who embraced me with two hugs and her prayers... I've said it before. It's a special place with wonderful people; some whose eating habits are better than others. As for me, popcorn and Goobers made a nice dinner at the movie that evening.

We're going to head back to the beach in the morning and relax tonight. Last night's bed Kumate and spending all day at Duke left us both pretty exhausted. Next week, I'll have my pre-op meetings on Monday, surgery Tuesday, and should be home before the weekend. If Bret doesn't get rid of Lacy, he's a moron.

Thanks again for all your love and support last week when you shared my news with me.

PS I’m going to guess Fleming will probably get more (but not better) than great news from Duke, even if good news is all she wanted for her birthday. I'll add "birthday wishes" to the list of kind gestures I've received. Thanks Beetle. (Don’t ask)

Tuesday's News: The bone scan we took on Monday came back negative. The bones are clean.


At 8/06/2007 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clyde, damn it. We hate to hear about the new growth, but we also know you will crush whatever it is. You and Ashley are in our thoughts and prayers, always.
Love y'all,
Cali and Woody

At 8/06/2007 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys! We have been thinking about you all weekend and wish we could be there in person to give you a hug. Enjoy the beach, relax, and get ready to fight this thing just as you have all the other setbacks! We love you and are praying for you daily. MerDog, Cootman, and the girls

At 8/06/2007 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer "Lord, please let this be as easy as CP makes it sound. He sure could use a small break!!"Kick back at the beach and have a great time. Love you both. Margaret and Al

At 8/06/2007 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sending massive, massive love and prayers to you and the family. Holler!

Davis Clan

At 8/06/2007 11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your right nipple will now have more character than anyone's. Except Dempsey's.

At 8/07/2007 12:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get periodical updates from Ruth. She called today and told me the latest. You are bound to feel like there is no end to this nightmare. I am so sorry that you are having to experience all of this. Anyone of lesser strength and character would have buckled. Will certainly be thinking of you and wishing for good news. Linda Narron Bunn

At 8/07/2007 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there.

At 8/07/2007 10:20 AM, Blogger Caroline said...

Fight on Clyde! Lumpy and I think about you and Ashley constantly. You guys are being put through the ringer for sure, and I hope this is the last big hurdle to good health. We love you both and can't wait to throw down NYC style when you kick this thing.


At 8/07/2007 10:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thank god they're going in UNDER the nipple--t'would be a shame to ruin such a perfect one.
Sending you all the strength, love, and smiles we have every day!
luke n DD

At 8/07/2007 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I said all I wanted from you was good news. Ashley still needs to give me something comparable (or better) than a note from your doctor saying this is all over. I'm sure there's something in the store that will do. Did someone say Bottega Veneta?

At 8/07/2007 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

If anyone can beat this then we know you can, Clyde! We love being your 'neyburs' and send much love to you at the beach!

Trinnie, Madalyn and Darcy

At 8/07/2007 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

C. P.,
I will completely put you back on the top of the old ladies prayer list and the whole Methodist church list too, I am so sorry about the excessive trials God has put you through, Can anyone say ," Oh, For Pete's Sake!!!!" Stop the madness!!!
Karen Davidson Smith

At 8/08/2007 3:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ni Hao Ma CP
We hate to hear this news but know that you will handle it as you have everything else. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your fam.
I'm bringing you home a little chinese medicine in my suitcase. It's suppose to prevent cancer, and like every thing else medicinal here, it will make you "strong like bull"
I figure it a win, win situation for both you and Ashley.
We'll see if I make it through customs!
All our love Bro,
Ted, Kristin, Tommy and Hank

At 8/08/2007 10:39 AM, Blogger Hutch said...

CP -
Glad to hear the Bone Scan news. We'll just take each small vitcory we can, and push for the next. Good work.
Now go get the same result from the Nodule Test and let us know. We are sorry we wissed you last weekend - but we'll be up to see ya'll soon.
Enjoy the James Gregory DVD ... I mean things could be worse ... you could look like him!!

Much Love
Hutch & Harper

At 8/08/2007 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad the bone scan is clean. We are continuing to pray for you and ashley and send all our love. lise and mccarley

At 8/08/2007 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the bone scan is clear - that is great news. That is hilarious about the grazing patterns of the intellicual elite. Who knew all this time I was really consuming brain food. Love you both and happy b'day flems! Reid and Mike

At 8/10/2007 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Clyde...So sorry to hear about this recent development and next week's surgery...You represent all that one needs to succeed in life....Your inner strength an example to us all...We send our love and prayers to you and Ashley...Your blog an inspiration; your spirit undaunting! Stay strong..Gerry and Len

At 8/11/2007 10:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

clyde--you are in our thoughts bud--enjoy the beach and relax--glad to hear the news on the bones--love you you and ash--



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