Thursday, October 19, 2006

I think I feel something.....

I’ve finished the first two sets of treatments and am currently polishing off my last batch for this visit. I've felt pretty rotten the past couple of days. This time especially, taking the chemo has been a bit more challenging. They have switched my nausea medication to include marinol, which has helped the situation.

For everyone getting excited, the marinol pretty much just eliminates my sick feeling and makes me have to use the spell check a bit more often. The resources they have to make the whole situation as easy as possible are incredible.

My results came back from the tests on my heart and kidneys. My heart hasn't lost a beat and the numbers on my kidneys were a little better than the base line test before chemo….who figured??

I’ll be out of here tomorrow by noon them I’m heading straight to acupuncture and then the couch for the next few days or so. Nip/Tuck, Lost, Flavor of Love 2 Reunion, Biggest Loser, Wife Swap…so much intellectual entertainment to catch up.

I’m doing fine. Ready to go home. Take care.

Here’s what doxorubicin looks like (and me while I’m getting it).


At 10/20/2006 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My boys are hunting, fishing, camping or ranching... whatever they do, so I decided to check on you... You are looking good soaking in the red Koolaid. I have a quote for the day. "Worrying does not empty tomarrow of its troubles-- it empties today of its strength." Coming from a long line of worriers, I loved this one, and it is so true. Try to have a worry free day.
Karen Davidson Smith

At 10/20/2006 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, I mispelled TOMORROW.
seee ya


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