Wednesday, October 04, 2006

After a weak...

It's been a week since I started the second treatment and I'm starting to feel like myself again...except for the being bald, occasionally seeing stars, and not being able to eat normally thing.

I have to say these chemo treatments are demanding physically and mentally. Part of the stress definitely comes from the worry of infection, sickness, etc that you have to be mindful of between treatments. So far my counts have lowered but haven't hit the bottom like they did last time. If the cycles match up, that bottom should be today or tomorrow though. I'll have some new results Friday which should be interesting.

All that said. Things are progressing. I hoping to make the Clemson game in Winston this weekend and Ashley is doing well.

Watts is a bit depressed from lack of running at the farm, but I think she'll get over it. Hopefully she won't start fasting in protest.

As far as events to look forward to...

10/13 Follow up appointment with hand doctor/plastic surgeon

10/14 Wake Forest at NC State (the dream continues hopefully)

10/16 Kidney and Heart tests (same as pre-chemo) to make sure everything still working

10/17 Third cycle of chemo (HALF WAY)

11/1 CT Scan of Chest & follow up appointments with radiologist and chief surgeon.

I haven't mentioned the hand or arm in a while...probably because they are doing great. The infection is gone (knock on wood) and my hand is strong enough to bother Ashley with the guitar again. There is a little stiffness in the wrist, but it's normal and with time shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks for checking in. I'll update anything new and exciting (like the unidentified rash I've picked up and hope doesn't turn out to be anything).


At 10/04/2006 4:21 PM, Blogger Caroline said...

Watts is welcome anytime to come and play with Barney. He will def. wear her out!

And let us know if you need ANYTHING!! We are happy to help anytime, anywhere.

Hilary & Lumpy

At 10/04/2006 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO glad to hear that you are almost half way done. We know that this is a rough journey for you... We think about you all the time and you are always in our prayers. Keep your spirit strong and hang on to your sense of humor. We love you, Kristin and Nathan

At 10/05/2006 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Even when the road is hard, never give up. Keep Ya Head Up. " Tupac.

At 10/08/2006 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I thought it sounded like this treatment was going easier than the first and I am so glad for you!!! You show a great sense of humor in your blog postings and we get all the update - so glad you are doing the blogsite! MEV & I will see you & Ashley next weekend. MEV is still sick about WFU losing to Clemson - hope we can rally for NC State.

Love from the Vermill famille to you and your chief caregiver (one AVH)and to poor hopefully NOT fasting Watts,

Betty V.

At 10/09/2006 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been keeping up with you on your blog, and am inspired and amazed by your wonderful sense of humor and your optimistic take on life. It's easy to see why Ashley fell for you! I just wanted you to know that you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Anna Morgan
(not your cousin, but you can still call!!!!)


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