Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Getting back on my feet.

Midweek has rolled around and I can say that I've felt better everyday I've been home, today being the best. I tried to have a normal work day yesterday which far from happened exactly the way I anticipated it (note to self: fix air conditioning in truck ASAP!!), but I did make it home alive at 11pm after a company dinner with Ashley the girls from the store (additional note to self: don't bother ordering nice food).

Part of my routine will involve having blood drawn every Monday and Thursday. The blood count derived will indicate levels of white and red cells and platelets. The first test showed normal results. The white cell count acts similar to the color coded Terror Alert Status, decreasing from blue, green, yellow, orange, to red. Currently and literally, I'm green. When I hit red, which will probably happen, I just need to be extremely more careful. Infection and getting sick are the most dangerous terror threats during the process.

The doctors told me the RBC and platelet counts will drop but can easily be fixed with blood transfusions, which will most likely happen as well in later cycles. Clark offered his blood but failed my personal screening requirements.

For now I feel good. I've got four nausea medications, one works exceptionally well without any noticeable side effects. Of course it's obnoxiously expensive, but the insurance "man" is still picking up the tab.

As for a summary of the first cycle...week in the hospital, 5-6 days recovering at home, last week or so should be pretty bearable. Let's just hope the others go by so "easily."

Thanks for all the great cards, food, flowers, encouragement, morally compromising email attachments, and friendship.


At 9/13/2006 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to hear your getting better with each day.

Let me know if you want more morally compromising emails...I have plenty


At 9/13/2006 4:30 PM, Blogger Caroline said...

Clyde you sound like GW w/ all this terror talk! Glad to hear things are going well. Lumpy is getting some comic relief together for ya. Hope to see ya'll soon!

At 9/15/2006 2:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just let 5 gallons of bood from my head into a ziplock. fed ex won't ship blood(it's right on the label) -so i hired one of my "guys" to bring it up to you on a greyhound. he sould be there somtime tomorrow morning. he doesn't speak english, or a have a ticket back, so just give hime a home and an income in return for. guillermo will be so happy and you will be full of soave blood. i see it as a win-win, so you are welcome in advance.

At 9/15/2006 2:04 PM, Blogger CP Harris said...

will that make us bood brothers?


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