Thursday, September 07, 2006

Finding Chemo: The follow-up

Today I ran the experiment of speedballing chemo and hospital food. The mysterious effects of that combination are yet to be determined but appears to be uneventful. Yes the wagon in the picture is mine. Ashley and the nurses take turns pushing me around the pediatric floor. After two laps the wagon made a deep sighful moan and crushed under my weight. I am the biggest kid this floor has EVER seen. It's probably a good thing the cart broke before Fleming "accidently" sent my a flight of steps after misreading her new GPS directional do-hicky.

Everthing went well yesterday. Took both chemo drugs, three or four other drugs to help the effects, slept alot, remained relatively comfortable. Today we had a repeat performance. I tried some other drugs including a mild sedative that complemented the chemo better, so the experience was easier than yesterday. Other than a slight upset stomach, some indigestion and mild fatigue, I feel good. Just about all the pain from the port surgery is gone and I have pretty good use of my left hand as well. It looks like we'll be coming home Saturday afternoon.

Things have been pretty normal. I walk around in PJ's, slippers, and my C Qi bathrobe pushing the pump/fluid/whatever you call it cart. This time they're using the port instead of the IV in my arm. All liquids enter the port, flow through a tube into the jugular vein and go directly into my heart. This quickly disperses them through the body and prevents dangerous concetration levels. They're flushing me constantly with liquids to prevent kidney and bladder damamge which is a bit of a hassle and more entertaining when it comes out orange from the chemo. All in all, things are going well. Movie night, every nite. Any time is nap time.

The staff is great and the fam hasn't let me get board for a minute. Being on the children's floor has it's advantages also. Clark and I snagged a Domino's pizza on the hall for lunch for 5 bucks. Apparently if someone calls one in they bring extras, just in case. I'm not going down without a serious fight when it comes to losing my appitite. Scarface was wrong, a man's got three things in this world.

P.S. I never really rode in the cart. (I know...but those believers had to know the truth.)


At 9/07/2006 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please know that I am with you in spirit. I have been hooked up to a steady IV drip of rattlesnake venom for the past 12 hours. I can't feel my face, but my libido is kickin for the first time in 50 years. We're rootin for you, brother.

At 9/07/2006 5:50 PM, Blogger CP Harris said...

thanks man. keep up the good work. i think i saw a snake under the gazebo and I'm still planning to build that high dive with you over the creek when i get back.

At 9/07/2006 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if it makes you feel any better i have indigestion and mild fatigue every day...

At 9/07/2006 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

he really is doing great-the only thing i can detect is a little moodiness (mainly due to medications) and he sleeps a little more (mainly due to medications) extremely sarcastic (oh wait, thats totally clyde). so basically hes just the same big ol' dude with lots of accessories on and around him!

ofcourse i have asked every doctor thats been in the room to check my lymph nodes under my arm cause i am CONVINCED i have cancer too. luckily ruth came to the rescue-checked the pitts and confirmed nothing is wrong and that i am definetly narotic.

from the bottom of my heart i want to thank you all for the love and support and cheering up my man with your loving and hysterical comments.

love you all,

At 9/08/2006 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking tight in the robe, tight as can be. Thanks for the updates

At 9/08/2006 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone get this guy a Hugh Heffner-style smoking jacket?!?!

At 9/08/2006 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the wagon doesn't work out, radio flyer has a sweet rocket that you could cruise around on. The rocket is probably pretty good on fatigue, but may "enhance" indigestion. We are probably going to get one for Ava at some point, so we could set up some races.

Paul H.

At 9/08/2006 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I love and admire you spirit and humor!

Glad you clarified about the wagon, but you should try it. Keep on truckin'

Much love- Marsha


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