Monday, September 04, 2006

It's time to get busy with this....

We're heading to Durham tonight and gearing up for what at this time seems to be the most "real" step of the process. I'm truly looking forward to completing the final step of this entire treatment.

Tomorrow I will go in around 8am to have an IV placed and some blood drawn for tests. The port surgery is scheduled for 9:30am and assuming everything looks good, we'll begin one of the drugs late afternoon. It will take about an hour to get the drip through the port.

Wednesday and Thursday, I'll receive both drugs separately over the course of the day. The actual treatment time will be an hour for one and 30 minutes for the other.

Friday will involve observation and rehydration most importantly. I'll head home late afternoon.

Saturday is reserved for catching DVRed episodes of "Flavor of Love" and "Dirty Jobs." If you haven't seen "Flavor of Love," (Flavor Flav from Public Enemy meets The Bachelor) it is by for the worst, embarrassing, ridiculous, unintelligent television currently available and my favorite show hands down. If you watch it with my recommendation in mind, there is an excellent chance you'll change the channel and think less of me in fewer than two minutes.

"Dirty Jobs" a bit more tolerable...maybe. Hopefully Ashley won't feel like she's made a guest appearance on the show after spending the week with me.

Thanks for the support as always. We'll be through this step in no time. Honestly, I have a wedding Saturday in Greensboro and if I feel up to it, I'm going. I mean, that's why they make DVR anyways, right?

Take care.


At 9/04/2006 11:33 PM, Blogger CP Harris said...

oh, we love wife swap too.

At 9/05/2006 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow, I knew you would be watching Flavor of Love. Season One is now out on DVD. You will do great this week.

At 9/05/2006 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad surgery was so successful. Good luck this week. I'll look out for the Flav. Once again another way to kill brain cells...

Paul H.

At 9/05/2006 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have your hide-a-key and am happy to house sit for you and your wife while you're gone. By the way, your bed is really comfortable... in fact, I haven't slept in the buck in years. Anyway, I found the liquor cabinet, some cash, and your firearms, so I am all set. That creek is looking real snakey-like after all this rain. I feel like I have died and gone to heaven.


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