Friday, September 15, 2006

Faster than I thought...

Thursday I had my second round of blood work done. One of the key numbers they determine is ANC. Here is a blurb from to save myself a little explanation time.

"Physicians usually calculate the absolute neutrophil count (ANC) from your regular blood count to determine the risk of infection. ANC is calculated by multiplying the total white cell count by the percentage of neutrophils and then dividing by 100. For example if your total white cell count is 4,000 and neutrophil percentage is 50 then your ANC is 2000 x 50 divided by 100 and equals 4000. If your white cell count is again 8000 but neutrophil percentage is 25 then the ANC is 1000. If your ANC is 500 to 1000 you are at slightly higher risk from infection. If ANC is 300 to 500 you are moderate to severe risk from infection. Red blood cells may also drop with the chemotherapy. If the platelets drops markedly you may be at risk of bleeding. "

After reading that, I'm not sure it explains anything. I hope no one had any bad science class flashbacks.

On Thursday my ANC was 480. Technically, this means I'm "neutropedic." Other than washing my hands like Bill Murray's character in What About Bob and giving more fist loves than hand shakes, the day went on as usual, or as usual as it can be for a guy whose attending three fashions shows at a women's clothing store he's started with your wife.

The red cell and platelet counts were normal.

Today adds another new and exciting twist. Throughout the day, my lower back has gradually gotten more sore. My first diagnosis was a bad night on the couch falling asleep to Leaving Los Vegas. After the pain worsened, I phoned Duke and learned that it is most likely from rapid bone marrow regeneration which occurs most actively in the pelvis for adults. In other words the pain is a probable indicator that my white cells are coming back. Oddly enough the pain started soon after a visit to the acupuncturist whose treatments are focused on immune support as well as anti-nausea and fatigue.

Can somebody say...SPINAL TRAUMA...

Thanks and I still feel better, I think. Ouch.


At 9/15/2006 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear your feeling stronger each day, sorry to hear that your going to multple fashion shows. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop, you are getting my vote for Blogger of the year.

At 9/16/2006 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attending three fashion shows sounds like a great way to raise your ANC. You always did have a penchant for flair.
You will be missed next weekend.


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